Harry's P.O.V

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     When Niall left the room, I decided that I would just ponder over our conversation earlier. I knew he wouldn't be gone long, he never was. He would just go to the bar grab a few to go things and then he would come back. When he accidentally called me, I wanted to hang up but then I wanted to know what they were gonna talk about. Niall just talked about what was happening between us without bringing me up, thankfully, but Louis was no help to him. I noticed that there was shuffling so I quickly hung up. I was at a loss of words for a minute I mean I am such a hypocrite. I flirt with him and tell him that I won't wait forever but when he says he likes me too then I say no. Who does that, someone who is too stuck up on their pride that's who! He even said that we wouldn't even have to come out but I still said no because of my damn pride. I decided that when he got back I would tell him that I wanna be with him. About 5 minutes later Niall came prancing in the door and I was about to talk except he wasn't alone. In stepped this guy that was probably a few inches taller than Niall, and he had quite the hair with these really brown eyes. I just quieted down when he stepped in so that I wouldn't say the wrong thing. You could clearly see his biceps too.

NH. "Hey Harry, this is my friend Josh, Josh this is my friend Harry."

HS. "Hi Niall, what's up Josh?"

JD. "Hiya Harry, we just went out for breakfast nothing much though..."

HS. "Oh cool, do you work out a lot?"

JD. "Sometimes but I mainly just play the drums."

HS. "Oh cool, a drummer and guitar player that would be cute."

NH. "What, I'm not even gay?! Where would you get those ideas from?!"

HS. "Just saying ya'll would be cute together..."

JD. "Ya'll, what are you, from Tennessee?"

HS. "No, I am proper English. I grew up on the fair part of town. Would you like some tea or crumpets? Would you like me to take your coat?"

JD. "Hmm, wait are you the Harry Styles?"

HS. "Uhh,  yeah, why?"

JD. "Me and my friends used to love watching you and your band play. White Eskimo was awesome!"

HS. "Thank you, but if you will excuse me, I am going to go take a walk around Paris, bye."

     Once I excused myself from the room, I grabbed my keys, phone, and wallet and headed out the door. I don't know how far I had walked but when I looked at my phone to see what time it was it said that it was 10:00 a.m. when I left and it's 11:00 now. I plugged in my headphones and Grenade came on just expressing how I feel. I just looked down at the ground and kicked around random pebbles. I looked up from the ground and saw that in front of me was the Eiffel Tower. It was even more breath taking than the pictures Gemma had showed me. I sat down on one of the benches and almost fell asleep when my phone rang. I looked at the screen and saw Niall's picture of a little leprechaun pop up. I decided to just let it ring and walk back to the hotel when I saw it was about 12 o' clock. For most of the walk back, I would look back for a minute and just stare at the Tower. When I got back at was about 10 until 1. As soon as I opened the door I was bombarded with questions by Niall but I just stood at the doorway awkwardly until he moved out of the way so that I could come in. As soon as I got inside the door, Louis and Zayn pulled me out to the hallway.

LT. "Harry? Where the hell have you been?! What are we gonna sing?!"

HS. "Louis, Zayn, hiya lads! I was at the Eiffel Tower, and don't worry, I have the next song in my dresser drawer."

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