Harry's P.O.V

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     I just sat there shocked at his outburst and so did everyone else at the table. I looked around at everyone else and the only one who didn't look as shocked was Zayn. I was about to ask him about what he knew but Louis beat me to it.

LT. "Why don't you look very shocked Zayn?"

ZM. "It was already kind of obvious that he liked Harry..."

HS. "Uh, not really..."

PE. "Harry, he was always blushing when you walked by, he would constantly ask where you were, he even made you and Eleanor prove you are dating even though you aren't. You guys have that brother and sister bond not a relationship bond."

EC. "When did you get so smart Perrie?"

PE. *Shrugs*

HS. "Wanna just stick to friends?"

EC. "Friends..."

    We shook each others hands and continued eating. I was about to head back to the room to talk to Niall when I saw him and Josh walking along the side of the pool hands dangling by each other. I watched them and saw Josh grab his hand and Niall smile up at him.

HS. "See Zayn, this is why I am shocked about it." I said pointing over to the couple.

ZM. "Well man, he won't wait around forever for you to come around..."

HS. "What are you talking about? I don't like him like that... I was just pointing out saying that is why it shocks me. I mean you don't just go and tell your crush you like them then go and hold someone else's hands and stuff."

PE. "Harry, maybe he just wants to have someone there for him."

HS. "I know that, but still say I had a crush on uh, Louis, you don't see me going around and holding Ed's hand." Ed is one of our friends, we're not that close but we're still friends.

LP. "Harry, do you like Niall?"

HS. "Where would you get that from? All I did was point out he was holding someones hand?"

LP. "You seem to be avoiding him a lot lately, you try to prove him wrong, I think you like him..."

HS. "I don't like him like that! Okay?!" I said getting up from my chair about to leave.

GS. "Harry why are you being so defensive?"

HS. "Because my friends and my own sister don't believe me, that's why."

     I left the table without another word and just left. I left behind the memories I have been sharing with them, I left behind the trust I had in them, I left behind everything. When I got back to the room, I unlocked the door then locked it back so that no one would come in. I went to the balcony and just looked out at the horizon. Paris really was a beautiful city but I never wanted to come back right now. I have had too many bad memories in this place. I think that it's finally time to disarm, I think it's time that I gave up, I think it's time that I finally go back to the real me. The Harry that I have been this whole trip (for the past 14 days) isn't the real me. It's Monday now so that meant in a little bit we would have a talent show again. I heard Zayn and Louis shouting through the door to let them in to 'discuss the song' but I just slid it through the door. Once they saw the paper I heard Louis shout 'Dammit!'. I almost laughed but I just bit my tongue to hold it in. I felt the door handle start to jiggle then Niall walked in. I opened the door and left the building for a bit. I was walking down the street in front of the hotel when the whole group started saying 'Harry! Harry!'. Eventually they started following me and fellow Parisians did too. They probably thought I was a celebrity or something. I looked back and saw a whole crowd following me so I headed back to the hotel room and ran.

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