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I sighed looking up to the sky "Im defeated at last" I scoffed while looking at the screen the popped up inches away in front of my eyes.

You lost

"Well well.." I closed my eyes as my body slowly disappeared into sparkle dust and brought me back to the circle plat i was standing on earlier before entering the game.

CODE9 was nowhere to be seen, did he leave already? i looked around but no idea where he went to.

Suddey i saw a group of male players, gathering around a bench seat. I thought they were bothering a girl again and i wanted to defend her so i went to the spot.

My jaw dropped when i saw a familiar black masked guy there "Look at his leg. He must be a newbie and terrible in fightings" One of them said.

I slapped my forehead slightly "Do i need to save him now?" I whispered to myself. "But i need to, he is injured, a new player, now nothing. In short term, innocent"

"Hey you" Someone called me out and as soon as i lifted my head., i saw they were looking at me with their scary eyes.

I smiled nervously and laughed awkwardly "H-hey there" I raises up my hand and walked between them to get through and stood beside CODE9

"hey, are u okay?" I whispered to CODE9 with a hand in front to prevent them hearing our conversation. CODE9 just nodded slowly

"So he is your friend?" another guy asked. "Yes. hey could you guys leave him alone? he is new to this and-"

"Shut up" The biggest guy there stopped me from talking by holding my mask, to be exact, my whole face with his big hand.

I was shocked, i can't see anything because his big hand covered my eyes too. He tightened his grip, but the mask won't break unless receive a powerful shot.

I.. Can't see anything

I gritted my teeth and moved my hand fast, choosing and taking out a gun then pointed it to his head and shot him right away.

The moment i pulled the trigger, i heard the gunshot and slowly, he loosened his grip on my face and fell down onto the cold ground, shivering.

"To be honest, i chose it randomly. So you should be grateful that the gun i chose has no ammo in it" I looked down to him "Cover my eyes again and i will show you how to be a real blind person"

"Let's go!" I pulled CODE9's hand and we walked away from the place.


"You haven't open your mouth since then. Why?" I asked while on our way to the treehouse in the forest.

He gulped

"Im not a bad one. Not your enemy. But it's just, i dont like anyone or anything, stops me from seeing the world" I smiled weakly.

"But did u really choose the gun randomly? your hand moved fast too"

"Yes, actually if the gun i used just now has ammo in it. I dont know what will happen" I laughed and brushed my nape. "Ouh anyway, that's the treehouse" I pointed to the front.


When we were about to go upstairs, i saw grandpa by the bushes, plucking the hearbs. "Go on first" I told CODE9 to go ahead because i want to help grandpa and ran right away to him.

"Grandpa!" I smiled wide and went to hug him as i reached. He laughed and tapped my back with one hand "Welcome home" He greeted

"I brought someone to be healed, he is a new player. Well im sort of pity on him because he knows nothing about this virtual world"

"Oh really? let's go then. Our patient is waiting" Grandpa said and both went upstairs. That's when i heard some ruckus up there. Quickly, i ran with a gun in my hand and sneeked in fast to see someone else was there, pointing his arrow to CODE9

"CODE20!" I shouted, caught his attention "Lower your bow you pumpkin head. This is our patient" I went to him and pushed down his bow after i kept my gun back.

"Oh really?" The yellow masked guy looked at me as he tilted his head a bit. "Yes CODE20, do not hurt him. Can't u see he is already hurt?"

"Ain't my fault, im just guarding this area" He raised his both hands.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips "Yes you are" I nodded and walked to CODE9, "please sit here" I gave him a chair and he sat down.

"Sooooooooo... CODE7"

CODE20 called me. "Yes?" I answered. "who is he? never seen him before"

"He is new. His name is CODE9" i replied

"Wait, ninth player is not 'new' do u know how to count?" CODE20 asked.

I smiled in annoyance "Yes yes, im aware of that. His brother is the ninth player but he doesn't play this game anymore and handed over to this guy"



After it has done, we went back to the town by walking.

"They are friendly, is he really your grandpa?"

"Actually no. Grandpa is just another game character, mire to system. He is here to healing people, only certain people. It's CODE20's luck to meet him. He took care of CODE20 with loves, like his own grandchild"

"Grandpa once saved him and that makes CODE20 owe Grandpa his life eventhough it's just a game" I chuckled.


-Kim Lara
-Pink masked girl

-Black masked guy

-Yellow masked guy

Game On 'new' (BTS J.J.K FF) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now