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i gulped down and sighed heavily.

"Do you want to accept me as your fiance?" I asked and wanted his sincere answer.

"I dont have any choice. We don't have it. Actually, i have someone that i like.." Jungkook sighed "Is it the same one as before? the one in the game?"

The moment i asked, he chuckled. "Yes but.. I dont think i have the chance to get her. Something happened between us" He groaned.


"What game are you playing?"

My heart beated fast, there's no way Jungkook is CODE9. No, no way.

"Mine is Light Blue world. Yours?"

I laughed in relief "The sky" I answered with a smile. "Both of us have the same problem i guess" I shrugged.

"About the engagement.."

"Actually Jungkook, im tired of this. Our parents keep on matching us together for the future. I don't mind, but you do. Right?"

"What do you mean?" He asked and i just shook my head "Nothing. I want to go inside" I mumbled.

That night, as i went downstairs to drink some water, i heard mom and dad were discussing about our engagement.

I became sort of guilty, Jungkook has someone that he likes, or maybe loves but he needs to engaged to me.

Suddenly they were quiet, am i busted?

"Lara? w-why are you here?" Mom asked.

I encouraged myself and spoke up "I don't think, the engagement should be happen. Jungkook likes someone else, and we shouldn't bother him with my deficiency. There's no one.. that wants to be married to me. Not even become my friends"

Out of sudden, someone held my hand. It was mom.

"But Dear, Jungkook is there for you. Im sure he is someone that sincere to be your friends" She chuckled. "Im sure of that" She continued.

"But mom please, reconsider this. He doesn't deserve this. Im blind mom. At least let him to find someone that he really loves" I gave her a kind smile before i let her hand go and went upstairs, back to sleep without drinking my freaking water.

"Wakey wakey princess. Today you are going to buy your school things"

My eyebrows were abridged and opened my eyes eventhough i can't see.

"Is this the face that im going to see after i wake up one day?"

I covered my face "We are not even engaged. I cancelled it. I talked to them already, as i agreed"

"What??" I sat up, trying to figure out where he was while reaching out my hand. "I have several reasons why i want to be your fiance, and maybe your husband one day" He chuckled.

I can't help but embarrassed when he said 'husband' word.


"Let me ask you something first. Do you have any friends or someone you trust?"

"Uh.. No?"

"Correct. That's one of the reason" He laughed. "What do you mean by that? You are not even my friend and who says i trust you?"

"Myself. I know that i will take care of you with all i might. Now clean yourself, we are going out today. I guve you ten minutes starting... from now! i will wait for you downstairs" He left before i could say anything.

"Oh god" I placed a hand onto my forehead and groaned about Jungkook as i went straight to the bathroom.


"Im done" I mumbled while going downstairs to the kitchen. "Oh wow you really got ready in 10 minutes." Jungkook laughed. "Shut up, you are the one who told me to"

Slowly i walked to the dining table, and Jungkook held out his hand to help me sit down. "Why are we going out?"

"Because starting tomorrow, you are going to the school" Mom interrupted while pouring some drinks into my glass. 

"What do you mean by school? Are you kidding me? im not going to school" I laughed nervously while shaking my head numerous times.

"No worries, Jungkook will accompany you there. Besides, it's the time for you to see the outside" Mom giggled.

"Uh.. Mom i can't see"

"She means 'feel'" Jungkook covered up for mom as he laughed along with her.  "Nice one Jungkook"


In the car, both of us were silent. We didn't know what to talk about besides, i was still disagree from sending me to the school. I don't want to go there, there's bunch of bad people.

"If you are thinking about school, please stop. It's not that bad. I will be there to tske care of you. Actually it was me, that suggested this to your parents. i dont want to see you be kept in the house like a bird in a cage" Jungkook scoffed.

"I rather be that bird than be a human but people always cussed about"

"See? you always has that thoughts, the negative ones. At least think something positive, not all of the students are as bad as your old friend"

His words.. suddenly caught me.

"You promise.. that you will take care of me properly?"

"Yes Lara"

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