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Is this a dream?

uh, no.. This is not a dream.

CODE9 is right in front of me, escorting me while showing me the stalls that he mentioned earlier. It's just the two of us, how can i be so comfortable with him? how come i could agree with him that i will go along?

I moved my hand and traced down the earrings i've got from CODE9

This is lovely, yet suspicious. Why is he acting this way toward me., can i trust him? He doesn't know who am I so he won't know that my dad is Kim Viri.

Does he.. Really assumes me as his friend?

Can i trust him?

"Look, you can change your mask here!" CODE9 pointed to a stall in front of us. "Not changing your mask.. child. Just add some decorations" An old woman answered. She was wearing a mask too

She's not an AI?

"Could it possibly.. You are a.. Player?" I asked and she nodded with a slight giggles. "But im not joining battles like you youngsters. Im just stay here. Admiring the world. Walking around with these two strong legs"

"But this virtual world is the same as the real world.."

"No" She shook her head and i can see a positive blue light on her id. "This game is not just for fighting, battles and weapons. But for a weak and unable person like me to ejoy the world. You see, this leg is a fake one. Mine are both lost due to diabetes"

I gasped and without knowing, my tears came out by itself. "No worries, im still alive and that's matter" She wiped my tears from my chin and asked "Do u want me to decorate yours?"

Gladly, i answered her "Yes please" I wish that she can see my smile under the smile but it wont be happen.

She decorated it on a screen, and once she finished, she approved the decorations and i accepted it, as my mask changed to the new one with some touches from the old woman.

"This is pretty" I looked at the mirror "How much is it?" i asked. "Im.. Doing this for free actually. It's because i just want to fill my free time"


She nodded. We thanked to her but before we could walka way, i stopped and turned back to her

"Wait .. What is your name?" I bended down, holding her hand. "It's Ki-- CODE78" She laughed. "I almost say my real name. I would've be thrown out"

I can't stop smiling because of her, but at the same time i was sad because of her condition. "Actually.. I feel your pain" I held her hand tight.

"I've lost my sight"


"What did u tell her?" CODE9 asked while we were walking side by side in the middle of crowd.

"Nothing~ Hey, it's been a while since we started walking, my legs are hurt" I sighed. "Then let's buy some foods and drinks the sit down somewhere"

I nodded, agreed with him and bought some foods along with drinks and sat down near the lake.

"They say there is a whale in this lake" CODE9 pointed to the lake in front of us. "Ha? That's not logic!" I laughed so hard.

"Nothing in this world is logic" He laughed along. His words reminded me of my sights, he is right.

"Yeah, now im agree"

"Anyway, i saw you giving something to CODE78, what was it?"

"A ring, insider ring" I took a bite of my lasagna. "Wait, what? you have that thing too? I've never seen it before" He sat up properly right away, shocked to hear it

i raised up my hand and sighed "Because i hate accesories"

I can see CODE9's jaw was dropped "T-t-then are u going to throw that away?" He pointed to the earrings.
"I hate accesories., but i like when someone gave me somethings" I touched the earring again and turned to him "Thank you for this"

He covered his face suddenly "What is it??"

He didn't answer at all and just shook his head

"Wait, are u blushing?!" I yelled and laughed "Oh my god you are so cute" I bursted into laughter. But then i became silent again, watching the lake in front of us then up to the sky.

I lied down on the grass, staring to the starry sky. "You are on that again" CODE9 suddenly spoke up

"Huh?" I turned to him. "When we were walking to the stalls, you were spacing out. Now you are doing it too, what's on your mind lately?" He asked.

"Nothing, just wondering how can they think to colour this grass blue" I giggled. "What the f- You can't lie me kiddo" He scoffed.

"This is hard, what do u want me to do to make u speak it out" He stroked his hair to the back. "Im not going to say anything to a stranger like you" I groaned and about to get up but he suddenly got on top of me.

"Really?" He asked. "Er, what are u doing?" I smiled in annoyance. "Seducing you"

"What the fck. Do u want to get a slap from my right hand or left hand?" I raised my hand up. "Oh come on, i know u like this"

"Uh.. Nope" I shook my head. He froze out for a moment, "How am i going to do this urghhh" He groaned and got off from me "This is hard" He began to pluck out the grass.

"H-hey, what's gotten into you?" I looked at him weirdly. "Actually i dont usually do that kind of things. I just want to threatens you to make u tell me about it" He hugged his legs

"It's difficult"

Game On 'new' (BTS J.J.K FF) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now