Thirty (reedit)

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"Do i look okay?" I asked, adjusting my simple dress knee length. I matched it with my denim jacket.

"You look okay. Stop being nervous, im your fiance afterall" He laughed again. "Now let's go eat something im hungry" He grabbed my hand and we walked down the street, searching for a restaurant and got inside.

"Here" He pulled the chair for me and i be seated carefully as he sat in front of me afterwards. "What is in the menu?" I asked, tried my best to not ask him so loud but the waitress heard me.

"Oh my, what a besutiful young lady" It was a woman, sounded like in her 30's.

"T-thank you" I smiled a bit. "What if i help you with your orders? Here we have western foods too..." She begab to explain the menu which shocked me.

She's so nice..

"It's that all?" She asked both Jungkook and I when we ordered our foods and drinks. I nodded and smiled "Thank you for helping me" I giggled. "So sorry you need to went through all that troubles--"

"Actually it's not a troublesome. Miss, don't think bad about your vision. Actually, God knows what is the best for you. Im sure there are reasons for that. Well now, excuse me"


"Why? do u want me to picture her?" He laughed while asking me as i replied him with a nod.

"She seems like a positive thinker and lively.. When she explains the menu to you, she was smiling"

"I should thank her for her sweet advices" I smiled warmly while placing my hand onto my chest.

After we ate, Jungkook asked the cashier about the woman just now but she said she doesn't know anything about the woman, she's not a worker there.


Im joking, she csme and met me. Before i left, we both hugged and she gave me another few words to keep my spirit up.

"Do your best in your life"


"Why are you so happy?" Jungkook asked when he realised i was smiling nonstop. "Hey Jungkook, why do you think God gives me this kind of.. supposition to me.

"because He will sends me to you" Both of us laughed and i just agreed with him.

We walked too much around and went inside a mall to rest a little. "Lara, i want to ask you something. Can I?" He asked me in sudden.

While drinking the apple juice, i nodded.

"You told me, you have a friend in the game right? A guy if im not mistaken"

I coughed, as i choked on my drink.

Why is he asking me about this?

"Had" I answered shortly.

"Past tense there. What happened?"

"Nothing. Don't ask me anything about him. It irritates me" I mumbled

My mouth said that, but my heart..

Deep inside, i miss CODE9.

I want to meet him but, i can't. I have Jungkook now. I need to think of how to get close with Jungkook even more.

My smart watch told me that it was 7 p.m. already. I assumed the sky is dark already

"Do you want to visit the night bazaar?" Jungkook asked. I smiled and just nodded.

Anything, just anything that can make me forget CODE9 and spend more time with Jungkook.

"Come, this way" Jungkook walked in front of me, pulling my hand.

This feel, it reminds me of something.


I followed him while wiping my tears off, to make sure Jungkook can't see my tears.

We walked around, buying few things and some foods and drinks as we sat next to the river on the grass.

"Just now.. I see you were crying. Why?"

My eyes widened when i heard his question out if blue.

I faced down, not dare to show my face to him eventhough i didn't do anything wrong. Maybe the reason i cried, will annoys him.

"I.. remembered about my friend, in the game" A drop of tear fell onto my cheek. "I dont know why, i suddenly miss him, because we haven't met for a long time"

Jungkook didn't say anything

"Jungkook im sorry about this. I will try- no.. I will love you. No matter what, i will do my best to love you. Please don't be mad at me"

I covered my face with my both hands as i hugged my legs, in sudden Jungkook pulled me to him and sided hug me, pulling my head close to his chest.

"I know how it feels. Don't worry, i understand you" He pecked my forehead and placed his chin onto my forehead.

"We will figure this out together. Don't be sad anymore. I hate to see you this way"

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