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"M-m-my name is Kim Lara. Nice to meet you guys" I bowed, showing my respect in front of the class. It was silent, i can't figure out how they reacted that time because well.. Im blind.

"Nice to meet you!" A girl shouted kindly and approached me. "We accept you with an open hearted. Right guys?" She asked the class and held my hand after the other students agreed with her. "Let's be friends starting from now, Lara"

Her voice.. is calming me but.. it's the same as before. How Aya, my old friend approached me before.

I shrugged off my negative thoughts and smiled "Thank you"

"Oh Jungkook, you can go now. You seem to be worried about her. Do not, i will take care of her" She groaned and i heard Jungkook sighed. "Well shorty, please take care of her. And Lara, my class is next to yours, tell me if there's anything"

"Nope you should tell me first. Im the class monitor" The girl interrupted. "Let's be seated first. Come" She pulled my hand and escorted me to my seat. "Im next to your seat. On your right. By the way my name is Geum" She giggled.

"Err.. Jungkook. You can go now" The teacher said awkwardly when he realised that Jungkook was still there.

I laughed slightly and raised up my hand "Im okay!" I grinned.

I couldn't tell how he reacted to my sign but i can hear him laugh. "See you later" And the door opened then closed afterwards.

My parents wanted to send me to a special class since i can't see. It would be hard to study in normal class, that's what they think.

But Dad suggested to send me to the same school as Jungkook because at least he can watch over me. And to convince mom, Dad said "If other blind students can study at the normal schools, our Lara can too"

It was hard but the teachers there kind of concerned about me which they are non stop talking while teaching because i can hear only. Im thankful for that.

The bell rang, and we thanked the teacher as soon as the teacher walked out the students ran outside.

"What is happening?" I asked worriedly, i was scared if anything happen.

"Nothing much, just hungry beasts sre running to the canteen. Do you want to go eat?" Geum asked. "Or do you want to just eat in here with me-"

"What? Nope shorty. She's going to eat with me"

I was startled to hear Jungkook's voice in sudden. "What the heck, im not a shorty!" Geum shouted. "Yes you are. You are even shorter than Lara" Jungkook laughed and pulled a chair to sit in front of me. I heard the chair moved and my front desk moved a bit because of slight hit.

"im sure you are one of the 'hungry beast' go on. I bet your tummy is growling" Jungkook laughed while saying those mean things to Geum. "Look you tough bastard, shut it before i kick your ass" Geun mumbled.

"I will be going now Lara. See you after recess" She walked out from there and it was silent. "Err.. Jungkook? Are you there?" I gulped down my throat, thinking that i was be left alone.

"Im right in front of you" Jungkook's voice was a bit husky, dont know why.

"Uh, i dont bring my lunch. Can we go buy something to eat--"

"You 'don't' bring or 'forgot' to bring?"
He asked makes me embarrassed and cleared my throat.

I forgot to bring it this morning eventhough mom already told me to bring it.

"Well i was nervous. Can't help it" I shrugged and smiled awkwardly. He laughed, i dont why but i love to hesr him laugh.

It is.. kind of familiar. Maybe just my imagination.

"Here, i brought it for your because i knew you would forget it" Jungkook put the lunch box in front of me and opened it up for me.

"Sorry, i can't find the chopsticks" I muttered while searching for it with my hand roamed around. "I haven't open it that's why" Jungkook laughed again.

"Okay stop that" His laughter makes me laugh too, that's when i felt comfortable and.. in ease.


"Well it was funny. We played a game which i need to remember their voices and say their names. Seriously the class is full with clowns" I told Jungkook what happened in the class while we were on our way home.

"It's fun isn't it? To have friends, to laugh with them" He chuckled. "Yes it is fun. But at the same time i need to be careful or i will end up like before"

Jungkook told me that he will accompanies me until the place we are going to split. Dad will be waiting there to pick me up. But that makes me wonder, why dont Dad just pick me up at school?

"Hey Jungkook, do you know why Dad wants to pick me up here and not at school? I mean, isn't it easier to pick me there?" I asked weirdly.

I heard Jungkook giggled.

"Sorry. I was the one who suggested it. I want to get closer to you since we are going to engage soon"

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