Chapter 13

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Jones was playing a video game. Kiku had left an hour or so ago when there was knock at the door. 

"Jones?" he knew it was Kirk, so he ignored it.

Hey, he stabbed me alright? He'd better have a good apology, like a double meat cheeseburger with a large fries and large Dr. pepper...... Jones reasoned. The knock came again, quieter, "Jones..."

"Kirk! You'd better have a really good apology, and might I even ask as to why you stab me in the first place? And then you stopped talking to me." he ranted as he crossed the apartment floor, taking his time. He opened the door to find Kirk standing there, soaked to the bone, shivering. His once beautiful lips now blue and trembling, dried mud and wet blood flowed down his beautiful face. His hands were shaking and his nails were torn and bleeding.

Jones stood there for a moment surprised, and finally moved aside, giving him permission to enter. He didn't know what to say. He was half way between 'what happened to you,' and 'I don't want to see the other guy.'

Kirk muttered something, but he couldn't hear it.

He laid some towels on the couch,"Lay down here."

He gripped Jones' shirt, and got close to his ear, "Watch your back, Jones."

He nodded, "ok," and he flopped down, as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulder.

"Hey Jones where are you?" Kiku's voice came through the speakers.

"Not now, I'm busy."
"Doing what?"
"Can you get my little brother please?"
"What happened?"

"Do it now!" Jones yelled, he turned to Kirk, "Wait here..."

Luckily, the right shipment finally made it to his apartment so he could take care of Kirk's wounds.

Kiku's voice came again, "Jones he won't come..."
"Why not?"
Pause... "He's afraid you'll kill him.... though the phone..."
"You tell him I will in the worst way possible if doesn't get on the phone right now!" Jones yelled.

Kirk shuddered, and Jones looked at him. He was phased out for the most part, but to keep him calm he stroked his hair, kissed his head, and tried to keep control of his temper.

"Jones... I'm so sorry.."
"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have yelled, Matthew. I need your help," Jones turned on the face time and showed Matthew Kirk.

"He has hyperthermia, you need to give him a blanket, and keep him warm," Jones grabbed a blanket and turned up the thermostat.

"Where does it hurt?"
Jones looked into Kirk's eyes, "can you tell me what happened?"
"My Sister... she was angry, because..."
Jones cut him off, "Okay, what did she do to you?"
"She threw me out," his voice trembled and he started to cry.

"Please don't cry. Look at me," Jones wiped his tears away and Kirk looked up at Jones, "I need you to tell me where she hit you, tell the me the whole story when you're feeling better, but right now, I need to get you feeling better Okay?"

He nodded, "They hit me in the face," he gestured to his nose, with a shaky hand, "Then they kicked me and punched me," he gestured to his torso, "then my sister.... drug me out of the bar, and threw me outside, and shut the door on my arm" he held up his right arm, "and i drank.... 2 bottles of vodka." He smiled up at him.

Jones looked away, not wanting Kirk to see his smile Of course you did.
"Got that, Matthew?"
"Yeah, let me see his nose." Matthew looked intently at it, "he's lucky, It looks like maybe a small crack, but definitely not broken bad. Clean his face up and then carefully add a wrap to stopped the bleeding." Jones did as he was told, he worked well under pressure. Although he was surgeon, he wasn't one of the medical kind, and Kirk's injuries were being assessed by someone 200 miles away on facetime.

"Ok, Jones, I need to see his chest please."
Jones made an awkward face, and gingerly removed his shirt being careful not hurt him, then showed Matthew, who was red faced, "Okay, it looks fine, Jones I need you to feel his ribs, see if anything gives way," he did so, and Kirk cringed each time, crying out in pain.

"Jones, be careful!"
"I am!"
"I'm sorry, is he solid?"
"He's sturdy."
"Good no broken ribs then, does everything else feel alright, any lumps?"
Jones felt around, "There's a little swelling in some areas and lots of bruises, but nothing out of the ordinary."
"Good, there's not much to do other than ice, but he need to warm up first, but do keep an eye out and call me if anything gets worse."
"Ok, ice it later, Now what?"

"Give him some pain medication, anything to dull it some," Jones gave Kirk some pills and a glass of water. He had trouble holding the water so Jones held it for him.

"Ok, let me see his arm." it had two gashes in it, and Jones cleaned the wounds and bound them to keep them from bleeding.

"Ok, he seems to be out of the forest for now, the rest of his wounds I would just clean, they'll heal better on their own. Go ahead and put the ice packs on the bruises, and make sure that, other than that, he stays warm."

"Thank you, Mathew."

Matthew didn't know what to say. It was not sarcastic or mean, it was a true sincere, thank you, so he just whispered, "love you, brother." and hung up. Jones mouth the words, i love you too, but didn't say them. He never did. He turned back to Kirk, "how are you feeling?"

"Like I've been hit by a train," he groaned , "See there it choo, choo..." he rolled halfway over the stopped, "Great now I missed my plane, Jones can you call a cab please?"

"Well, at least we know the drugs and alcohol are working." he said as he ruffled Kirk's hair affectionately, kissing his forehead as he grew more dazed and went to go get some ice, some other supplies for him and a pillow and blanket for himself.

He sat on the floor beside, him as he slept, and periodically checked his heart rate and breathing.

He watched over him all night. If he ever fell asleep, he would wake up soon after and would check him, then stroke his hair as he slept soundly.

'This my fault,' he thought guiltily, 'I messed up everything, I can't be something I'm not, I lasted barely a week without complete...' Jones stopped himself and sat for a moment of self pity, which ended up making him tired. He ended up falling asleep leaning against the couch, holding Kirk's hand.
————————————————————————Thank you guys so much for 500 👍🏼

Names you need to know:
Jones- America
Kirk/ Kirkland- England
Sadik- Turkey
Kiku- Japan
Ludwig- Germany
Francis- France
Gilbert- Prussia
Yao- China
Ivan- Russia
Matthew- Canada
Elizabeta- Hungary
Antonio- Spain
Lovino- Romano
Feliciano- Italy
Roderich- Austria
Im Yong Soo- South Korea
Heracles- Greece
Cyprus- ...Cyprus (we're really not creative)
Matthias- Denmark
Lukas- Norway
Emil- Iceland
Tino- Finland
Berwald- Sweden
Scotland- Allistor
Ireland- Emily
Wales- Dylan
N. Ireland- Seamus

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