an introduction

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in a world where we are taught to love
taught to respect others
and taught to take care of your own
why is it that those things
are what comes to hurt you the most?

reflect on your childhood
remember how innocent love used to be
how you used to love the color blue
because it reminded you 
of the beautiful sky

now look at the color blue
the color you imagine your face
as you picture the escape that is any method of death
you associate blue with pain
with sadness

respect used to come easy
it was as simple as keeping your hands to yourself
or raising your hand in school before you talked
now respect means nothing
no one knows the word exists
as she holds another tight and savors the taste on his lips

so back to my question:
why do these things hurt you the most?
the answer is simple
we were once taught that everything in the world was perfect.

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