12.7K 826 809

11.5k it's so unbelievable oh my god

Also, the markhyuck book is out!!

The next morning had been dreadful, Donghyuck came back to the dorm room and had started screaming at the two boys for the mess they had created. There were empty ice cream tubs everywhere along with a few broken beer bottles, the cake batter was still out from where they had left it, the fridge had liquids pouring out of it due to things either melting or spilling. Music was still blasting from the television (which Chenle and Jisung were both very embarrassed by considering it was One Direction still) and the bathroom was soaking from when Jisung decided to climb in with his clothes on. Overall, the whole dorm was a mess and the two young boys were forced to clean it and buy the new fridge that day.

Jisung was currently setting up his laptop after it decided to update itself, now he was struggling to figure out how to work the damn thing. Donghyuck was lying down on Jisung's bed, eating crisps and getting crumbs all over the blanket. Normally, the younger would scold him but the laptop was occupying his attention at the moment. He didn't even notice that Donghyuck was giggling and recording him to post his struggles on snapchat.

"What're you doing?" Donghyuck snorted and put his phone down after being amused by Jisung for around five minutes.

Jisung huffed and threw himself back in the chair. He slammed the laptop's lid shut and groaned, "it was updated and now it's terrible! All I wanted to do was Skype my parents, not have a full-on fucking Windows EXP lesson."

"Pass it here, you baby," Donghyuck took the laptop after Jisung had practically launched the device at him. He growled at the younger when it nearly hit his face and complained about how it would've ruined his beauty. Donghyuck scoffed once he opened the laptop back up to see that the background photo was actually Chenle and Jisung. They were both in hoodies, tied the strings around their faces and in all honestly, Donghyuck thought they looked like pigs. "So, what're you doing tomorrow? What did you do today?"

"Me?" Jisung pointed to himself in disbelief and looked around the room to make sure that Mark wasn't around. "Lee Donghyuck, is asking me, what I'm doing tomorrow and how my day was?" He chuckled when he heard a grunt from Donghyuck. The elder always acted like he didn't care for the others around him, but anyone that properly knew him would know that he secretly cares for them a lot. There was one time when Renjun and Jeno had a fight (it was so stupid that Jisung couldn't even remember what it was about) and Donghyuck instantly grabbed an ice cream, tissues and his laptop then headed over to his dorm room without even saying goodbye to Jisung on his way out. He managed to talk Renjun into talking to Jeno and got them to make up just hours after the argument.

So to the person who went up to Jisung the other day and asked him 'how can you be friends with such a cold-hearted person who cares for no one but himself?', fuck you.

"It was okay, mostly just spoke to Chenle today about the competition coming up. We were talking about practising for it tomorrow," Jisung answered and bit his lip out of frustration when he saw Donghyuck's eyebrows furrow as he looked at something on the screen.

Right, the competition! Every year, the college would hold a 'talent show' for all students, allowing everyone to join. Jisung had heard all about it when he was telling his brother Taeyong and his cousin Taeil (who he still hadn't visited yet. Maybe he should go visit him and his friend's tattoo parlour) that he would be attending SM college. Jisung remembered when Taeyong, Taeil and their friends won and they were given a free trip to New York. The prizes were to die for, so that was why so many people would sign up in hopes of winning.

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