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Thank you so much for 2k, I love you all so much

I highly recommend you go back and read chapter 6 as I had to go rewrite the entire thing. There are more Chensung moments but you don't have to read it if you don't want to.

The front door to the dorm room opened and was slammed shut in a matter of seconds. Jisung jumped at the noise and sharply turned his head to look at the door, met with Donghyuck who was in a tank top and shorts. "It's too hot out there," Donghyuck groaned and shuffled over to the sofa. Luckily enough, their room had air conditioning so Jisung had been relaxing in the nice, cool air all day. Classes were cancelled however due to the conditioning in the classrooms breaking. He spent most of his time yesterday creating a dance that he wouldn't even be able to give in that day! He considered practising it later though, just to make sure it was perfect. Naturally, most other students celebrated and Donghyuck went out to join the other juniors in a water fight. The sun must've dried him off, however, because he was now in the room, all dried up and looking a little red on his skin. "And it's too hot in here!"

"But the air con is on, dumbass," Jisung snorted and flicked through the channels on the television. He stopped once he came upon the third Iron Man film and rubbed his hands together delightedly. He looked over at Donghyuck and saw that he was still in the same position as before. "You got yourself burnt on your back!" Jisung shrieked. At first glance, Donghyuck's back had seemed to be just light pink, but looking at it properly showed that it was actually bright red. No doubt that the skin would start peeling soon. "No wonder you're still hot."

"Can you get the aftersun, please? And rub it on my back while you're at it~" Donghyuck turned his head to flash his bright smile at Jisung, who shook his head and grimaced. "Why not?"

"Because you're gross and I refuse to touch your body," Jisung replied in a 'duh' tone as if it were obvious as to why he didn't want to do it. "Call Mark and get him to do it."

"Maybe I will!" Donghyuck spat and tried to make a grab for his phone which was in his front pocket. After a minute of Donghyuck trying and Jisung staring at him weirdly, he gave up and huffed in disappointment. "Can you call him?"

"Why? He's your boyfriend," Jisung joked but stood up to grab his phone from the counter anyway.

Donghyuck growled, "not my boyfriend," he mumbled under his breath, annoyed. "Now, just gimme your phone so I can ring him!"

Jisung rolled his eyes but tossed him the phone anyway. Donghyuck scrolled through the contacts but made no movement in the rest of his body. He clicked the call button and put it on speaker, Jisung knew it was because the elder couldn't be bothered to lift the phone up to his ear. "Hey, Jisung," Mark's voice sounded through the phone, the sound of the television could be heard in the background.

"It's Jisung and Donghyuck actually," Donghyuck spoke right into the microphone, probably sounding like ear rape to Mark if the phone was next to his own ear.

"Donghyuck! What is it?" Mark's voice seemed to have a more cheerful tone to it once he heard Donghyuck's voice. Jisung couldn't help but laugh a little at how whipped they were for each other, if only they realised it themselves.

"Can you come over to my dorm and out the aftersun on me? Jisung is being a brat and refusing," Donghyuck glared at the younger, he smiled mockingly.

"Actually, I was about to call you guys. Renjun suggested that we go to the beach, said he would drive and everything. If you agree, I could put it on you in the car?" Mark suggested.

"H-hang on," Donghyuck stuttered and mutes the microphone on his phone, letting out a loud ass scream. "Did you fucking hear that? He agreed! Jisung, I can't even contain my feelings right now," he said as he started to kick his legs, not being able to keep himself still.

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