Chapter 16

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"Tea or coffee" 


"Playstation or Xbox?"


"Food or music?"

"Why torture me with this question?"

"Girls with sneakers or Girls with heels?"

"Girls like you." said the Irish boy, our fingers entwined while we waited  for our flight to Dublin. I'm spending Christmas with his family. "I can't wait for you to visit my hometown." he smiled stroking my golden brown hair. "I can't wait to meet your family." Niall smiled in response.

"Flight 143 to Dublin is now boarding." said a female's voice over the intercom. "That's us, come on babe." he said as he stood up to pick up our luggage. I carried my handbag which contained both our wallets, passports and tickets. We walked over to the bored staff checking off tickets, I handed our tickets to the man and he kindly smiled as he ripped of the end, he gave the tickets back and let us through.

We settled into our seats ready for a 15 hour flight, I took the window seat and Niall sat in the aisle seat. I prepared myself to get a good night's sleep by resting my head on Niall's shoulder, his arm snaked around my waist as he laid his head over mine. We stayed awake to listen to the safety guidelines but we still stayed in the comfy position.

"Go to sleep" whispered Niall, I closed my eyes by command and instantly fell into a deep sleep.


"Stell, Stell wake up." a warm breath enters my ears. I respond by prying my eyes open, the entire plane was emptied except for a few members of the staff cleaning up. "How long have I been asleep since everyone left?" I question rubbing my eyes, "Uh about 10 minutes." he replied.

We hurried our way out of the airport, good thing there weren't many fans around. Our hands never left each other, Niall would glance at me every now and again. We reached the arrivals area where his mum, step-dad and brother waited for us. Niall ran up to hug his family, I stood there watching how beautiful they were together, Niall hadn't seen them for months. I could've shed a tear but I was greeted by the Horan family also giving me a welcoming hug.

"Hi, I'm Maura, this is my husband, Chris and Niall's brother, Greg." she said pointing out to who was who. "Hey, I'm Stella and Niall has told me lots about you guys." I smiled. Greg and Chris both help carry some suitcases as Maura walked alongside me.

"So, how are you and Niall?" she asked, my eyes widen as a smile creeps up on my face. "He really is just amazing, he's the sweetest." I hold my hand up to my heart. "Aww, Niall never stopped talking about you during our Skype chats." she laughed.

We walking through the parking lot snow was flowing down onto us, I always loved snow. Niall knocked me out of my trance when he brushed his soft warm hand on mine, his fingers locked up with my fingers. Life really was perfect, nothing could ruin this beautiful day.


"Welcome to the Horan residence!" joked Maura, she held the key up and unlocked the large door with a Christmas reef hung on it. I stepped in and a warm breeze hit me. "Niall will lead you to your room" she smiled as she walked into what seemed like the kitchen, "I'll get dinner ready."

"Hello, I am Niall Horan. I will be your escort for tonight." Niall teased as he linked arms with me and took me to a room by the stairs, "This is my room, by since you're here. This is our room" he smiled proudly. "I have to sleep in the same room as a boy?!?" I joked making a face of horror. "You don't want a piece of this?" he smirked eyeballing his own body. "Pfft." I roll my eyes as I jump onto the bed and laid down.

Niall jumped right on top of me not even noticing that he was crushing the life out of my boobs. "Ouch, Niall, you're on my boobs" I said pushing him off. He just laughed and crashed his lips into mine, the world around us stopped as we kissed. Our lips moving in sync, I let his tongue explore my mouth as I feel his braces moving.

I wrap my arms around his neck as his hands snaked down to my bum. A smile crept onto his face when he noticed where his hands were, I push him to the side letting him be at the bottom this time, our lips never left. I was literally beginning to lose my breath and we pulled away mutually. Our foreheads stay connected as we pant.

"I love you Stella Gray, I love you." he said accenting the 'love'. "I'm IN love with you." he repeated, Niall admitted that he was in love with me, my feelings were the same. I was in love with Niall James Horan. "I love you too." I say reconnecting our lips one last time.


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