Drunken college partys.

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"Hold still,Babe."Kacey harshly whispers into my ears,Grabbing a fistful of my hair.

He flips me over so that I'm on my stomach and begins to unzip my black dress.

"Kacey,Stop."I sob.

I hate this.I hate feelings so vulnerable.Im just that weak girl that couldn't stop her own rape.

Trying not to make this worse than it already is,I decide to focus on the one good thing.

I really don't love Kacey.

Maybe it was just a phase because I had been with him for two years. Maybe i thought losing my virginity to him made him my ideal boyfriend and future husband,But right now,As Kacey continues to strip me of my clothing,I realize he really isn't who I thought he was.He's worst.I know Kacey is a demanding person but I never thought he would be one to force sex upon me.

"You know,If you'd just go along with this it wouldn't be so hard nor would it be illegal."He smirks.If I had enough strength,I would smack him straight across the face.

I let out shaky breaths as he runs his fingers down my bare body.He starts off leaving kisses behind my ear then slowly makes his way down my stomach.In normal intimate moments I would take this as a nice,Romantic gesture.Now,I just wish he would stop.

Before I can register what's happening in my brain,Kacey enters me,Letting out a throaty moan.

"God dammit Lae,"He moans."It amazes me how you always stay so tight."

"Kacey,Please."I plead.This is hell.Why would he do this to me?I know I didn't give home what he wanted but this is to far.Id rather be slapped across the face than raped.

"Harder?"He questions.

Before I can answer,The door swings open revealing a very panicked Megan.

Kaceys quickly withdrawals from inside me and shimmies his way into his pants.

I crab the blanket out from underneath me and cover my naked body.

Kacey grunts and pushes past Megan,Taking off threw the threshold.

"H-He didn't.Did he?"Megan asks.Her voice is shaky and unsure.I hate seeing her like this.She looks petrified.

A let a fresh tear roll down my cheek signaling that he did,In deed,Do it.

Megan runs toward me and raps her tan arms around my frail body.

After we share a few tears,Megan looks up at me.

"I can't believe he did that, Lae."

"I can't either.I didn't know he was like that."I replie.

A awkward silence blankets the room as I redress myself.

Moments later,A completly unexpected "Get up" comes from Megan.

Completly dumbfounded,I ask her what she's talking about.


"Get up.Get dressed.Redo your makeup.Act like your asshole of a boyfriend didn't just take advantage of your body.Were crashing that college party tonight.No excuses are excepted.Kacey has taken a lot from you.Dont let him take the fun away.Be that strong girl everyone looks up to.You can make it threw this.We can make it threw this.Now,Powder your nose,Line your lips,And wear the sexiest dress you have because tonight is us.No Kacey.Not even Zach.Us."

She gets up and leaves my room,Leaving her words to replay in my head.

After I'm up and ready I meet Megan outside in her car.

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