Idiotic Imbecile.

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"No, I didn't forget." I chuckle into the phone.

"Your sure?" He asks.

"I'm positive, Luke." I smile. "I'll be ready."

"Ok. See you then, Babe. Bye."

I blush at his choice of words. "Bye." I coo back, Bringing the phone away from my ear. I hang up and throw the electronic over to the bed.

I sit back in the old wooden chair and stare out the half boarded up window. Looking up at the sky, I notice a few random birds flying around.

I wonder if he really has a plan, God, That is. They say everything happens for a reason, But is that really true? Is every single breath we take as a human planned? Because if it is, Why do we have to wait until death to figure it out. I want to know my plan. Then maybe I could put up obstacles along the way that will help block bad people out of my life, Essentially making it better. Since the night I went back to pack my bags, My phone hasn't stopped ringing; Never fails, Its always Kacey.

I sigh, Trying to shake all the unwanted thoughts of the deadbeat, Flamboyant dick head out of my mind. I glance over to the old digital clock adjacent to the bed, Taking in the sight.

"Shit." I curse under my breath. It's already five o'clock. I begin to panic when I realize I only have two hours to be completely ready. I fling the small closet open in search of my favorite dress. A frustrated sigh involuntarily roles off my lips when I don't see it.


It's at Harry's house.

Letting out another large puff of air, I dial Louis' number.

"Hello?" Louis' light, Angelic voice spills threw the speaker.

"Hey Louis. It's Lae."

"Oh, Hey! Long time, No see, Eh? Harold's doing something with Sam at the moment, And if I were daring enough, I would interrupt them. Luckily, I'm not, So I'll just take a message." I can hear laughter in the background; Presumably Niall's.

"Oh, no...Actually I called to ask you something."

"Oh, Alright. Then shoot."

"Ok, So, I have a date tonight a-"

"OH MY GOD. Who is it? Is it that blonde sex god? Because if it-"

"Louis!" I interrupt. "It doesn't matter who it's with. I only have two hours to get ready and I left my dress at your house!" I stress.

"Alright, Well pointing out the obvious, You need to come get your dress."

"And you'll help me get ready?" I ask him.

"Of course babe!" He shouts melodramatically, Causing me to pull the phone away from my ear. I put the white device flat against my cheek, Barely catching Louis telling me to bring my assesories.

~ • ~

I wince as Louis plucks a stray, Unwanted piece of hair from my eyebrow. I argued that this wasn't needed, Nor was it nessassairy, But it's Louis. And with Louis, You never win.

"Hold still." Niall complains as he coats my bare fingernails in a thick neutral colored polish.

I continue to listen to Louis rant on about how "Beauty hurts" and how "You can't put a price on perfection" until he finally, Over dramatically, announces that he's done.

He swivels my chair around so that I'm face to face with my reflection. A smile takes over his face; Eyes crinkling, When he sees my reaction. I gape at myself in the mirror, Reaching up to twirl a perfectly curled piece of hair around my slim fingers. Of course, Before I reach it, Louis slaps my hand away.

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