Pick up lines.

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"Wait here. I'll be right back." Harry tells me. Leaving me alone in his living room. I feel slightly awkward if I'm being honest. I don't even know harry. I am glad he took me in, Without a doubt, But I only meet him less than five hours ago.

I study the space around me, Taking in the scent of nicotine and roses. It's a strange but flattering mixture.Harry has a decent sense of style I suppose. The contradicting colors of black furniture against white walls makes the flat seem welcoming;Making me feel slightly safer. It isn't every night I stay over at a strangers house.

I scuff at the amount of playboy magazines spread out on the side table. Boys.

My legs are beginning to grow tired of standing but I don't dare sit down on any piece of furniture. It's all so perfect. There isn't a single stain or discoloration anywhere.

My eyebrows knit together in recognition. A male owns this place. And it looks ten times better than anything I could imagine putting together.

My head snaps up to the boy clearing his throat. I hadn't realized I was tracing the fabric with my fingers. I blush, Realizing I must look like a fool.

"Sorry, I just really like how you've decorated the place."I try to save myself. It isn't a lie, Though. I do admire his style.

He chuckles. "Thanks,Love. But I didn't do it. My roommate Louis did. Gays always have the best sense of fashion."

"Louis? The one from the party?"I ask. I remember his name being mentioned and if I'm sane I recall him to be the lad with the captivating blue eyes and scruffy hair. I didn't know he was gay, However. Not that it matters. Gays are the best kinds of friends. I just recall a brunette sitting in his lap earlier. A thought flashes threw my mind that maybe there just friends but then I remember the game. He said he had had unprotected sex with her?

"Yeah, Yeah. From the party."He smiles, Shoving a pair of fresh clothes at me.

"Oh. I don't need clothes. I'll sleep in what I have on."

He raises an eyebrow at me, Scanning my body. Being the self conscious freak that I am I glance down at my attire. Realizing what I'm wearing I yank the clothes at of his hands. I give him a small, Embarrassed smile. I wouldn't get a good night of sleep sleeping in a party dress. And god knows I need rest tonight.

"I'll show you to your room then."Harry looks down at me, Being that he's a good five inches taller than me, And smiles a beautiful dimpled smile. I can't help but be amazed at how perfect his teeth are. His mom must be a dentist or something, I note.

I follow his tall figure down a hallway. Soon we stop In front of a black door."You stay here for the night. I don't think Louis will be back tonight. He shouldn't mind anyway."

"Wow. Wait. Your gonna let me sleep in Louis' bed?"I ask. I'm just a random guest. I really didn't expect anything more than a couch.

"Yeah. He's out with His boyfriend right now. He won't be back till the morning. And if he does show up before then he'll be to drunk to make it back here and crash on the couch."He tells me. He walks into the dark room, Flicking the light on.

I freeze for a moment taking everything in. I know I must look like a freak. My eyes are about as big as they can get and jaw is scrapping the floor.

He smirks at my reaction and motions me to come in.

"You know, The couch is fine. Really. I'm just a guest."I reason. This is unbelievable and I feel guilty taking someone else's bedroom.

"Like I said. Your sleeping here. I mean, This lovely bed..."He motions his hands over the bed."Or you can sleep outside on the front steps."His face drops all emotion and I almost think he's serious until a dimple carves into his cheek.

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