The A Team.

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"Jesus, Careful, Leighton." Harry mumbles.

I don't know why, But I find his warning amply amusing, Letting a loud giggle roll off my parched tongue.

Alcohol sure does dry the hell out of your mouth.

"Leighton, Watch were your walking." Harry scolds, As he pulls me away from the wall I just ran into.

I also find this humorous.

I reach up and grab a handful of Harry's hair as he leads me out of the bar.

"Your hair is so convoluted." I slur.

"What?" Harry looks utterly confused. I can't help but trace his hardened facial features with the tips of my fingers.

"Your hair," I repeat. "It's convoluted. It's like a labyrinth. A really, Really confusing one.

"Ok?" He clicks my buckle and then jogs around to the drivers side. I continue as the engine cranks in the background.

"It reminds me of food. Like, Cotton candy. I wouldn't eat it, Though. I imagine it tastes like straw, Or maybe your shampoo." I pause for a moment as we stop at a red light. "It's like a serpent. OH MY GOD. You have serpentine hair!"

I yank at the locked door with the conclusion that Harry's hair resembles medusa's and his green eyes will involuntary turn me to stone.

He quickly stops the car, Which I'm sure is illegal in the middle of the freeway; Turning on his yield lights to guide other cars around his parked vehicle.

He grasps my flailing arms, Causing a cry of terror to escape my trembling lips.

"St- Stop. Get off me you beast!"

I quickly stop with haste, Feeling the bile creep up my throught.

"Harry," I softly say, Trying to keep the sour liquid down. "Roll the window down."

"Are you Fucking serious? Your gonna jump out the-"

I burp, Covering my mouth; Eyes wide.

He apparently gets the message because he quickly complies.

I poke my head out the window to oust my insides out on the road.

A warm hand runs up and down my spine soothing one as much as one can be soothed in my position.

Ejecting previously consumed alcohol out a car window, Where millions of people can see, Accompanied by a relatively attractive guy, Is about as akward as it gets.

"Are you okay?" Harry's asks as I pull my head back inside.

Even though majority of the poison I drank just forced itself out of me, My thoughts are too blurred to see threw. A manage a commanding "Take me home." Threw the hammering in my head.

"Were do you live?" He ask. The relatively attractive guy is starting to take a tole on the throbbing as well, With all his damn questions I can't manage to answer.

"By the... Turn... "


The clamoring sound ringing throughout my head is almost deadly. The dim, Yellow light shinning threw my thin, Closed eyelids only intensifying the pain. I decide on keeping them closed, Not wanting the bright light coming in contact with my narcoleptic iris'. My head is slightly elevated, Doubtlessly because of a pillow. My whole being is surrounded by a thick warmth, If I'm guessing, It's because of a blanket. Simply judging by the cottony material beneath my bare back, I'm lying on a mattress, Securely tucked in between sheets and a heavy blanket. I roll over to my side, Trying to advert the sunlight away from my vision. Hoping sleep will come and peculate my body, I untuck my hand from beneath my pillow, Stretching it out into mid air before slamming it down onto bare skin. It takes a minute for my slumberous mind to realize it isn't my skin. How did I realize? One, I didn't feel it. Two, The "Ow" Ousted by the individual was a dead give away.

Expected ~H.SWhere stories live. Discover now