14 years mean nothing.

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I turn the nob but freeze as soon as I lock vision with the male standing in the threshold of Megan's door.

I stare in shock and utter confusion and even though I'm trying my hardest to avoid the annoying voices in my head I can't help but listen to them.

The fact that's he's only clad in a pair of tight black boxers doesn't helps me ignore them either.

Then she walks out.

Megan walks out and laces her arms around his torso. Shes wearing the robe I bought her for her seventeenth birthday. I bought me a matching one so on our girls nights we could match.

Making a mental note to throw it out, Megan finally notices the third presence in the hallway.

She looks up at me with wide eyes.She opens her mouth to speak but quickly closes it. I guess she's at a loss for words. I get it. I really do. Not this whole situation but the fact that she's scared out of her mind. Honestly, I would be too. But at the same time I would never portray Megan this way.

"Lae,"She whimpers, Untangling her self from his body. I can't help but think of how many times I've ran my fingers up and down that torso. How many times my lips have landed on that collarbone or how many times I've grasped his large biceps.

I shake the thoughts out of my head and turn back towards my bedroom. Im not ready to hear Megan's pleads. Im not ready to take in reality and realize that what me and Megan have had for fourteen years is now gone and no matter how hard we work to make everything alright, Nothing will ever be the same.

I plump down on my bed and turn on my back. After staring at the ceiling forever, The tears finally start to stream. I cry more at the fact that these tears are because if my bestfriends betrayal.

Before I know it, My hands are gripped around my knees and I'm violently shaking back and forth. Ive never been good with dramatic changes. Luckily, I haven't had a panic attack in ages. Ive stopped taking the pills my doctor proscribed to me when I was twelve because I was doing great.

I began to shake more and suddenly every thing turned black.I tried to stop myself.I tried to wake myself up but I could already feel the cold hardwood flooring against my frail body.

Harry's P.O.V

I watch Leighton walk up the brown brick steps. She really is beautiful. She seems to be a really nice gal, Or at least better than the sluts our frat party's usually acquire.

Niall ditched her for some boy i had seen circling around the party and I felt bad so what other choice did I have?

I pull up to Louis and I's flat when I notice the piece of leather sitting in the passenger floorboard.

Not recognizing the piece of material, I pick it up for further examination.

Turning it over and over in my hand, I realize it's probably Leighton's purse.

Sighing at the thought of wasting more gas, I restart the car and head back towards her flat.

I knock on the door and wait for an answer. A minute later I knock again but to no avail. I guess they must be asleep.

Right when I'm about to turn around I hear the door nob turn.

A brunette girl answers the door. Her eyes are a bright pink color, Nearly bloodshot. I contemplate the girl and think about asking her what's wrong when I realize that's nosy. I'm here to give Zoey her purse, Not smother myself between Someone else's problems.

"Is Leighton here?"I ask the girl.

"Ye...."She clears her throat and try's again."Yes. She's in her room."At first glance I thought maybe she was just drunk but the hoarseness in her voice tells me she had been crying.

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