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-Your POV-

,,Goooooood morning sunshine!!!!"

,,Sweetheart, please wake up. You're gonna be late for School!''

You open one eye with an annoyed groan, to look at the alarmclock on your nightstand. The red numbers show 7:22am. Another groan escapes your lips but this time a bit louder then the last. Today would be your first day at your new college. The only positive aspect in this situation is that you'll go to the same college as your two bestfriends Min Yoongi and Kim Seokjin. They are majoring in dance, singing and producing. Just like you but you are unsure if you'll get the same classes as them because even tho you know that you would have back in America, it doesn't mean that the same system will work here in Korea.
Back in America the classes were devided so that there were no more than three alphas in the same class as omegas. Due to you being the only female alpha, you were always an exception. Some classes were purely alphas so they would have to be accompanied by at least two alpha soldiers that had an everyday duty in colleges. The professors were mixed but there were only two omegas nonetheless because most omegas were afraid to teach classes with alphas and scentblockers are too expensive to buy for such a long period.
With lots of effort you swing your half-sleeping limbs to the bathroom. After the allday morning routine, which takes 20 minutes by the way, you take your bag and the breakfast your mother made before leaving for school. Another good thing is, that you don't live that far away from the college. So you can get there without having to take the bus or the motorbike you've got to your 18th Birthday.

As you're making your way to 'hell' , you take a good look at your surroundings. It's very different to where you've been living. In America everything's green and sometimes you could see one little buttercup or two. But the roads here in Korea are overflown with pink and white sakura leaves and the gardens are exploding with colors. Even the fields are overgrown from orchids, gerdenias and heliconias in every color.
Your little admiration-moments were stopped as you feel someone jumping onto your back and laughing loud. ,,Y/N-SIIII!!!", the beta's nonexistent scent draws a smile to your lips. This anomaly was the beginning of your friendship with the beta. You take both of his legs so he won't fall and chime in to the happy laughter. ,,Taehyung! Long time not seen!!'', You reply after the both of you calmed down.
,,Where are Jin and Yoongi?"
,,They wait at the school-gates".
After a nod from your side he stretches his arm out and quotes nostalgically ,,We shouldn't let our companions wait for us partner in serenity"
Again laughter takes over the silence and you both, or rather you with him piggyback, head for the school.

*At the school-gates*


After the 105th time I looked at my watch I start to get really annoyed.
,,What the fuck takes her so long?! Lesson starts in 5 minutes!"
,,Calm down Hyung. You know that Mr. Kim's always late",the pale bag next to me assures.
Still not calmer about it I direct my eyes back to the entrance of the school-gate again where I finally detect my bestfriend with someone in tow.


Eventually you and the Beta made it to the building in time to see your two bestfriends eagerly waiting for you. Without a second thought you place Tae down and sprint to the precious people to engulf them into a tight embrace. Happy about your arrival they hug you back, one of them more enthusiasticly the the other.
,,Finally you're here! Lesson starts in less than 5 minutes",the oldest of you points out after you let go of each other. Your eyes meet Yoongis to silently ask him if he's always so eager to be on time. With a bright smile and a nod from his side he answeres your silent question.
You both laughed it off as You're pulled into the building by the taller omega.

*Time-skip to when the teacher walks in (in the first chapters there will be a few time skips ^^' I'm sorry!) *

The class doesn't seem as different from your other classes back in America as you thought. There's always a class-clown, a nerd, the shy ones and the sarcastic ones. So you immediately feel at ease as you walk in. Yoongi and Jin plainly start to show you around as you giggle to their excitement.
Of course the curiouse looks from the other werewolfs make you a bit curiouse. It's just, how can it be that no one has heard about you, the 'monster-alpha'. Even if they did never hear a single word about it, they have to feel somehow unease around you, don't they? Your scent is the scent of an alpha, and you are a girl...A conversation between an alpha guy who was intruduced by Jin and yoongi as Hoseok and an unknown girl makes your ears perk up.

Female Alpha [BTS (Jungkook x Reader)]Where stories live. Discover now