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,,Ji wait for me!''. We both are late for dance-class, so we have to sprint there. The only problem is, that he as an alpha is much faster than I am.
,,Come on Min! Professor Otaka won't be pleased to see us coming in late!''
Gosh! Why do I have had to be born as an Omega?
That's not fair!

We arrive at the classroom secounds before the teacher closed the door.
,,Mr. Soo, Mr. Y/L/N. You're late'', my best friend and I bow politely and apologize.
While I'm dying because of the lack of oxygen, he already calmed his breathing.
With an annoyed and dissbeliving expression I look at him and shake my head dissapprovingly.
He just chuckles at that.
,,Sorry buddy'', he lays a hand onto my shoulder and holds back another chuckle.
,,Yeah, yeah'', I shake his hand off my shoulder and take a seat in the theatre front row, where the rest of my class sits.
Ji soon joines me and Professor Otaka starts the lesson.

,,Good morning class. Today we have the whole theatre, so I used the oppertunity and guess what?'', she explaines excitedly.
But everyone, including me and the alpha besides me, shake their heads 'no'.

,,We're having dance-class the whole day. So you may bring your bags to your lockers due the break'', the entire class starts applauding and whistling at that.
,,oh my god, thank you! No maths today'',I laugh at Ji soo's prayers.

,,You forgot to do your homework, didn't you?'',I stated because I know him just to well.
We first met in Kindergarten.
In primary school we already were inseparable.

,,yeah..'', with a wide, goofy smile he holds the back of his neck.

,,I told you 'Let's do homework Friday after school' !'', I taunt him.

,,But it was Weekend and you promised no studys!'', he defends himself.

,,Homework isn't studying!'', I comment.

,,...and now, that you all know, let's start our lesson!'', the professor clapped her hands demonstraitingly together and the pupils sprung from their seats and paired.
Ji soo pushes himself from his seat and holds out a helpful hand which I take.

,,So...you listened to what Mrs. Otaka sayed?'',he askes me with a bushy brow lifted.

,,No'', I simply reply and we laugh quietly.
Ji suddenly stopped while looking over my shoulder and immediately bowed like a gentleman infront of me with a raised hand.
,,May I ask for this dance Mr. Y/L/N?''

An irritated smile forms on my lips and I automatically put my hand in his outstreached one.
The curiousity got the best of me and I was about to turn my head to see what made my best friend react how he did, but he himself was faster.
With a tug on my hand I flew into his arms. His free arm catches me and holds me firm against his chest. Our faces are only inches away and my heart thumps twice as fast against my chest as it should.

His eyes wander down my face and hower on my lips for a few secounds longer than on the rest. At this action my heart beat increases so much, I fear that the entire theatre can hear it. The arm which was slung around my waist, now moves to put my hand, which was firm against his chest, on his shoulder. Then he puts it back on my lower back and presses me even closer to him. At this a gasp escapes my lips and I feel a faint red spread across my cheeks.

I couldn't restrain anymore and let my eyes find his plump, kissable lips. The air around us seems to change into carbon, because it started to get hotter and harder to breath. Whole planes erupted in my stomach and when the distance between out faces started to change I thought I was dreaming, until...

Female Alpha [BTS (Jungkook x Reader)]Where stories live. Discover now