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Author note:
As I am rewriting it, it really gets annoying to change the first person perspective into a second person perspective when it comes to Y/N's POV.
I will just be leaving it in first person from now on.
i just wanted you guys to know so you won't get confused!
Have fun reading the rewrite!
P.S What are your thoughts about the rewritten parts so far?

*Y/N's POV*

,, I'm happy with myself", I say, looking the other up and down with a slightly confused expression.

,,I'm sure you are", the beautiful woman sitting in front of me, says. She takes a sip from her coffee without braking eye contact.

An exaggerated sigh leaves my lips as I throw myself against the back of the kitchen chair.

,,Mooom!",my voice drags out as well as it's possible in this angle.

,,Sweety, You know what I mean", her eyes soften and she takes my hand into hers to caress it with her thumb.

,,Mom, I'm good. Really", I try to assure her with the same sympathetic look she gives me.

She presses a kiss to my knuckles and nods her head in understanding.
As she gets up to start washing the dishes she tells me, that my two bestfriends are coming over for lunch.

,,Thank you mom!",I give the beautiful omega woman a kiss on the cheek and sprint up into my room, happy, that I'll get to spend time with my friends again.

I stop at the doorway to my room and investigate my unmade bed.

I should clean up before Yoongi and Jin come over.

With a set determination I hurry to clean up my room.

Putting the clothes on my bed away, doing the bed and sorting my desk.

As I pull a few pens out from one of the drawers to put them into my little drawing kit, I accidentally push my calendar and it falls into the bin beside my desk. My eyes follow the movement until it comes to an halt at the bottom of the bin and a sight leaves my lips. I put the pens in my hand into my drawing kit and reach out for the calendar in the bin.

My eyes land on todays date as I pull it out and fix the dog-ears on the lower half of the sheets. The uncomfortable feeling of sadness and fear spreads in my stomach as I realize how many days are left until my next heat-rut.

With a shaky hand I take one of the pens I put into the kit and cross yesterdays date out with a gulp.

Only two days left...I surely won't survive the next heat-rut-session.

And even if I'll do....the one following will definitely be my death-sentence.

The fear rises into my throat and forms into a thick lump making it nearly impossible to swallow or breath.

Back in the kitchen, when my mother asked me what my biggest fear is, she wanted to hear me saying this.

My biggest fear is...


What I am.

And being alone with this fear.


,,Come on Jinni-Hyung! We wanted to spend a little time with Y/N before lunch time'', I cry out as I reach out to pinch the other Omegas arm. The later jumps with a squeak and looks down to me with an insulting expression.

,,Yoongs! What the heck?!'', with an annoyed attitude he grabs the pills he inspected from the counter and puts them into the basket.

,,Let me just buy these pills and then we can go'', he says, still somewhat annoyed because of my action. I huff and cross my arms.

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