Chapter 7

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Lizzy and Bruno left Philip at the Liberty Bell so he could continue with his sightseeing. They could not have told what they had eaten or where Phil had led them this afternoon, an afternoon, which seemed to drag on from emotional and physical weariness. Sitting in a coffee shop for a break from the heat and humidity, Bruno sat back in his chair, sipped his cool drink, and watched his beautiful new girl. Liz was looking out the window, people watching, and thinking: quiet. He noticed how her tired eyes looked when she blinked, how she wiggled her nose when it tickled, and how her brown eyes sparkled when her curiosity was peaked. She was wonderful.

"You're so beautiful," Bruno thought out loud. His voice caught Liz's attention and she turned to him smiling. "Bruno, you should rest before the show. Wanna go back to the hotel?" "I'd love to, as long as you're with me. I was just thinking of a couple of things we could do there." "Like use the hotel stationery to write letters home?" Liz teased. "Um, absolutely not." Grabbing Bruno's arm, Liz asked, "Like what then, big boy?" He put his hand on top of hers and gave her a big smile. "Nothing we can write home about, that's for sure." Liz suppressed a laugh but could not contain a grin as they haled a city cab. She knew full well what Bruno was thinking.

The hotel elevator was empty except for Bruno and Liz. He took her hand and faced her, brought her to him, and brushed his lips over hers. She could feel the heat of his body from the hot, sultry, day, and how it contrasted with the cold, dry, air of the hotel. Craving that warmth and hearing the seductive sound of him breathing, she moved to be rid of any space between them. They stood close enough to entice but not to satisfy. When the elevator doors opened, Bruno stepped out quickly pulling Liz along with him. His normally long steps seemed to double in length and quickness as he led her to their private den.

Opening the door with one hand Bruno pulled Liz through with the other, and swung her to meet him eye to eye. Taking her face in his hands he brought his lips to hers, moving them lovingly together, then pulling away. Continuing to kiss Liz in this manner, Bruno walked her carefully backwards to their bed. Dropping her purse to the floor, he turned her beleaguered body with her back to him and held her close. Liz could feel his lips on her ear, saying, "I love you," while his strong arms enveloped her into him. His chest muscles moved against her back while he manipulated his hips against hers. An overwhelming tingling traveled from her tailbone and up through her chest causing her body to quiver. Lizzy knew Bruno wanted her to lose control and she was. Her brain felt muddled already as he continued making love to her. Laying her head back on his shoulder, Liz exhaled deeply. Bruno lightly traced her delicate jawline with his finger, then from the top of her neck down her chest to her swelling breasts. Weak kneed, Lizzy tried to concentrate, wanting to feel every part of him that touched her. Then her body betrayed her. Completely submerged in her undisguised needs, Liz fell against Bruno and he tightened around her. Bruno picked her up and cradled her weakened body close to him, then laid her down.

"Bruno, I'm - my arms - my legs." "I know baby, you're so tired." "Kiss me! I can't stand it!" Stretching and running her fingers through her hair, Liz ordered, "Fuck me! Dammit, fuck me!" Undressed to his black boxers, he'd already straddled Liz and pulled off her Tee. Bruno struggled to unbutton her shorts as she began banging on his chest. Frantic, Liz pushed him from her, shoved off her bottoms and arched her body at Bruno in agony. Decidedly, he pushed her to her back and lie on top of her. He felt her tense body struggle with raw passion under him, and watched her eyes as pure lust took over. Liz caught Bruno off guard, grabbing for his crotch and moaning with her when she did. "Bear, you feel so good," she whined. Turned on, Bruno smashed his lips on hers and forced his tongue into her over and over, then pulled out to begin biting at her lip. Grinding on Bruno, Liz was still frustrated and cried, "Dammit, Bruno! Dammit!" "You're not ready," he whispered into her ear, and smirked, knowing full well she was suffering. Liz pushed him from her, but he grabbed her arms and forced them back to the mattress above her head. Bruno held Liz with one hand and freed himself from his last bit of clothing with the other. His voice rumbled, "Lizzy, you - ain't - ready." He separated her legs with a knee and strength of his remaining hand. Bruno's fingers slid through her waters' with ease becoming the aphrodisiac she longed for. Arching her body away from him, Elizabeth yelled Bruno's name, but he shushed her, "you have to stay quiet 'til we get home." Lizzy whined, "noooo." "Yes, baby. Now push it back to me." Angling her hips forward and still feeling Bruno in her, Liz felt a familiar rush in her abdomen. "Bruno, Bruno!" Liz's eyes showed she was overwhelmed as she looked straight at Bruno's face signaling him to take his next step. Bruno immediately removed his fingers and lunged into the sweetest pleasure of his life. Thrusting hard, he used her contracting walls for his added stimulation. Lizzy's eyes remained wide open as her body continued to clamp down. She stared at her husband working himself to his own satisfaction. She couldn't believe what this man could do to her. Sucking in a loud breath, Bruno shook and let go, releasing, planting his seed deep within her fertile ground.

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