Chapter 9

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Lizzy screamed at the top of her lungs and scrambled her legs to jump out of bed. Finding her face with with her hands, she ran in place, high stepped back into her closet door, taking her to the farthest point from her bed. Waking abruptly, Bruno instantly knew what was happening and simultaneously pushed the sheets away, popped up to his knees, and raised his hands to the air. In an attempt to calm his bride, Bruno whisper yelled. "Lizzy, it's me! It's okay! Liz, Liz, it's okay! It's okay." He could see her eyes start to recognize him and her face relax as her mind began to comprehend the scary man in bed with her was, in fact, a very welcomed stranger. "Bruno! Oh my god, you scared the crap out of me! "I noticed," Bruno laughed, more relieved than humored, and fell back into his pillow.

"Liz, Lizzy! Are you all right?" Megan and Carla were knocking at Liz's door checking on the commotion. "Yeah-yeah, its just Bruno." Lizzy opened her door not thinking of Bruno only being half dressed. "He surprised me and I got startled when I woke up."

"Startled? Girl, Bruno's been here since midnight and it took you all this time to figure out you've got that hot --," Megan stopped and took a peek at Bruno, who had already made his way back under the covers, "yum yum in your bed?" And then you scream like someone's killing you. You're fuuunny."

"Come on Megan, the sun's not up yet, let's go back to bed." Carla nodded good morning to their house guest, making certain to get a good view of his strong shoulders and biceps. Looking at Liz, Carla quietly advised, "Liz, this is a fine man. Treat him well." Then she mouthed, "Don't let him go!" Lizzy understood as she smiled, slightly nodding at her cousin. Liz had broken down and gone to Carla as a confidant. Carla had listened patiently to her kissin' cousin but shied from giving much advice even when Liz had asked. Carla had plenty to say, but knew the state Liz was in, her voice would fall on deaf ears. The cousin would remind Lizzy that the couple loved each other very much and all would turn out one way or the other. Let it go and let it be. Carla knew thought, but Liz was too far gone in worry and anxiety to loosen up.

Liz quietly shut the door and, with her heart still pounding, turned to find Bruno standing right in front of her. He grabbed her to him and kissed her. Liz grabbed back and pulled Bruno even closer. Pulling her lips from his, she brushed them lightly over his unshaven cheeks. Bruno's lips recovered hers and used his tongue to anchor their connection. He ran his fingers through her hair then brought them back to cup both sides of her face. He took pleasure in the scents of vanilla and sandalwood, emanating from the points of heat on her neck, and leaned Liz back to pick her up from underneath and carry her to their bed. Bruno laid Liz down gently and crawled above her so he was looking down into her eyes. "Good morning, Elizabeth." Bruno's voice sounded husky  through his smile.

"Good morning, Bruno. I wasn't expecting to find you here this morning, but I'm so glad you are," Liz uttered, looking into Bruno's eyes and playing with his curls.

"Are you sure?" Bruno flipped the tip of her nose with his finger, "Yes, I'm certainly not expecting anyone else here." Lizzy lazily smiled, not understanding what Bruno was talking about. Bruno's next words came between kisses, "Just - checking. --- Sometimes - - distance makes - the - heart -- - grow - stronger and - - - sometimes - it doesn't." Elizabeth tried paying attention, but melted instead, as his lips found new trails on her face and neck. She sat up to take off her well worn, John Lennon t-shirt, noting to find something comfy but more desirable to wear to bed from now on. Liz loved the shirt but didn't think Bruno would appreciate its worn quality, including the hem she'd ruined by twisting it when she was nervous. When Liz looked back at Bruno, he was biting his lip and staring at her body like a child who had pulled out his toys and knew he was their master. Settling herself back under Bruno, Liz put her hands on his shoulders and laced them down his pecks, flaring them across his stomach and around to his back. She wrapped Bruno in her arms and legs and felt how very close he was. Moving her hand down Bruno's middle, Liz found he was hard as a rock.

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