Chapter 3

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Hello Eveyone, and Thank You Again for reading this story.  Want to thank LadySmeezington for the follow. I hope you will enjoy the rest of my work!


Actually, Bruno was wanting to go to the next section of the rose garden. It was in full bloom and he figured Elizabeth would appreciate the color and the fragrance. Bruno was beginning to enjoy this girl's company and he wanted her to have a nice time today. He also had something in particular to talk with her about, especially since he would soon be leaving to perform at the next city.

Bruno put out his arm for Elizabeth to take and he walked her down white marble steps. Straight ahead of her was a fabulous garden, with tea roses and for those who wanted it, taller evergreens situated to give the user a feeling of privacy. The rectangular section of grass enclosing the plants, was surrounded by a pristine white gravel walkway. Gazing in wonder, Elizabeth took in the new view and Bruno lead her on to one of the private areas which would provide shade, but also the intimate space he wanted. He laid on his side with his elbow supporting him up off the ground, while Elizabeth sat, leaning back on her arms, taking a minute to cool off. Bruno looked at her, engrossed. She was certainly more than her eyes, she was beautiful everywhere. He had watched her graceful movements all day and would have laughed at her innocent girlishness until she tired, curling herself up and falling asleep in his arms. His desire to know what holding her would feel like was strong. Bruno sat up a bit and leaned closer to Elizabeth whispering her name. She looked at him, his almond shaped eyes, his perfect skin. He was so close to her, she leaned in the rest of the way and kissed his beautiful lips. So soft. He brushed his tongue on her top lip and tasted the sweet, refreshing lemon from her snow cone. Sitting himself up and moving closer to his new love, Bruno gently placed one hand on the back of her head the other at the small of her back and kissed her fully on her mouth with the intent to never let this kiss end. She moaned, just a little and pulled back in embarrassment. "No Liz, I'm sorry. I know we've only met and we're in public, but I'm feeling so much emotion right now . . .about you." He was glad they'd kissed. Liz was feeling a little dizzy with a passion she hadn't felt before. Was this part of the feeling she'd had yesterday about them picking up from where they had left off even though they had never met? Liz felt like she knew this man, every inch of him, body and soul. Bruno recognized the expressions on Liz's face. He saw curiosity, shock, and a good amount of passion.

Bruno backed away and asked if he could tell her something kinda personal, about a dream he'd had the night before. "If it gets too bizarre for you, like I get too weird or something . . . let me know. I'll stop." "Well, you've been pretty okay to hang with so far, so I'll take a chance." They quietly smiled at each other, enjoying their closeness, longing for more.  

Absently playing with pieces of grass, Bruno began, "In this dream, some old guy was standing next to me and I seemed to have known him for forever. Like, for longer than I can understand time. He showed me this little house made of stucco. The place seemed to be from a long time ago when they didn't have electricity yet. I looked around and saw a couple of gardens and chickens," he said with emphasis. "This was all looking familiar to me. And normal, as if I just saw this same yard and house everyday. And those chickens! I don't do chickens, I eat fried chicken from a bucket!" He said sounding irritated.

"So, then I see a bunch of little kids, cute with curly dark hair, come running around the house playing tag. All the sudden, some man comes walking through the front gate of this place, looking exactly like me. I was confused and looked at the guy beside me again, and he nodded like he already knew what I was thinking. It was uncomfortable watching what was going on in front of me. I really didn't know why I was there or what was causing this dream anyway." Bruno waited a moment in thought, then looked at Elizabeth. "Phil's always teasing me about the food I eat, so I was thinking maybe I ate something bad yesterday." Looking out over the park but not seeing it, Bruno continued. "I looked back and the man from the yard was playing with the kids. I noticed the yard was well kept. I saw climbing roses growing up the sides of the house and some of the branches hanging their flowers off the roof. I'm a guy, Liz. Guys don't dream about pretty little cottages with cute little kids running around. Do they?" Again he looked at Liz, half grimacing, "I don't know. I was beginning to really freak on this. It all felt too real, like I was remembering this place. I looked at the old man beside me again, bewildered and wondering what the hell? Damn! Why was I there? The old guy looks at me again, raising his hand towards the cottage, palm up. Elizabeth," Bruno stopped for a moment and looked at her face. He wondered if she was okay with this story so far, or was she ready to get the hell away from him. She might run away and even ask a stranger for protection from this crazy dope. Elizabeth was looking at him with her curious brown eyes, but gave him no other clues to what she might be thinking. Bruno took a deep breath and continued. Repeating her name, he whispered, "Elizabeth, you walked to the cottage door from inside the house. Then went to the man who looked like me and hugged and kissed him, like maybe I/he was your, ah, her husband. Like those kids were theirs, and they were our, uh, their, oh god," Bruno had finished and looked up at Elizabeth once more. 'She's gotta think I'm nuts. This was dumb to tell her all this! I'm going to lose her before I even had her . . . again.' He was fairly sure his date was now over and mentally prepared himself to walk her home in awkward silence. Bruno hoped she'd understand about why he told her this dream.

Elizabeth was looking down playing with the hem of her dress, thinking of how romantic Bruno's story sounded. What was this dream of his? Deep inside she knew it really was about them, their past, and it felt right. She thought it was interesting how they had both gotten the same information, but in different ways. He, through her eyes and his dream, and she, with the feeling of being his, embedded in her every atom, to her core. They have hardly known each other 24 hours and hadn't had much time to bond. Would Bruno have been able to come up with such details and meaning in his dream without our bonding? She's heard of couples who had spent so much time together they already knew what the other was going to say. It was getting so confusing, she couldn't put all this into words that made sense.  

"Bruno, you're okay," Liz said to him in a kind and quiet voice. She looked in his eyes for a moment and passion began running through her veins. Liz wanted this man, now! She looked away and took a breath. Turning back to him, Liz continued, "Bruno, since you'll be leaving soon, and we may never see each other again, I've something to tell you too. From the moment I saw you, I knew we belonged together. NOT because I'm some fan girl jumping up and down drooling like you're a gorgeous, sexy, fantastic musician. Well, you are that . . . but I'm not the fan girl and you're not the musician. Bruno you're just you and I'm just me and we are attached, bound together in some way. I think it's by love. Carla calls it Everlasting Love." "You told Carla?" "Yeah, she's my best friend and I needed help. I was confused. How does one just happen to see some person, outta the blue, and know him completely?! Really?? Doesn't happen!!" Liz had lost her calm composure and began tensing up her body, raising her chin and placing her hands tightly folded in her lap. Bruno grabbed her hands and they sat face to face, eye to eye, just staring at each other. Hard. The passion to hold and make love to each other was strong. Passion to dance soul to soul was dominate. There was such intensity between them, they didn't notice how long they stayed that way or that other park visitors were looking at them. Someone close by, was speaking about the care of a rose when Elizabeth realized she hadn't moved in a bit. She felt much calmer. Bruno felt her moving and came back to his senses himself. 

"Let's walk," Bruno suggested. "Good idea," Liz said attempting to sound natural. Walking through the roses, hand in hand, Bruno stopped and pulled Elizabeth to him. Wrapping his arms around this woman, he put his forehead on hers and then pulled it back.  Bringing his hand up to brush her cheek, then looking into her eyes, he said, "I love you. I always have and I always will." "Bruno, our love has lasted forever. It can never be torn away." "It will never be torn," Bruno put his stamp on their declaration of love. It was sealed and forever in their hearts. The new couple held each other and leaned close. Brushing their lips together, they felt the tingle of lust in the midst of their love not available to them in so many years. Bruno put his mouth on hers and kissed her and Liz kissed him back. Not wanting to come up for air, it was dawning on her how much she had missed him and for so long. They were surprised to be interrupted by applause. People at the garden were clapping and calling their congratulations to them. One older couple, who seemed particularly pleased to see Bruno and Elizabeth together, came walking over very excitedly. The couple introduced themselves as Carol and Steve Patterson, and were volunteers here in the garden. Putting her hand on Liz's arm, Mrs. Patterson began to explain about all the excitement. "Kids, there is an old wives' tale that says, when a young couple, as yourselves, stand beside a particular rose bush, that couple will be in love forever!" She stood back and folded her hands in front of her with her chin up, looking triumphantly at them. Bruno politely asked, "and which rose bush is that Mrs. Patterson?" Not missing a beat Steve said, "why the Everlasting Love rose, of course." As if stating a fact like the sky is blue. "You are almost standing on top of the bush now," he said. Bruno and Liz looked around them and saw that they were, in fact, both standing beside the fabled flower. They smiled at each other and turned to thank the Patterson's for their fun story, but they had left already and didn't seem to be anywhere close by. Others were coming up to them now, chuckling and giggling, referring to the old time tale. Some talking about the romance of it all, and others teasing about the chains that now bind them. All in good fun. All in good humor. "Congratulations!" they would all say. Later, Elizabeth would ask Bruno, "do you get applause everywhere you go?" She was referring to the three times in the last two days he had been the center of attention in public. Shaking his head and awkwardly flexing his muscles, Bruno replied, "yep, everywhere I go! I'm just awesome that way." Laughing, she poked him in the shoulder, then kissed his face and called him an awesome Dope!


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