Chapter 19

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"Mom, I'm not moving back home!"

"Elizabeth, I suggest you reconsider your decision. This is not a good place for you to be. It's not healthy for you. You know I mean this quite literally," Laura Correa mused, tucking the sheets into her daughter's bed as she recovers from a long bout of pneumonia.

"Please, Mother." Liz was exasperated with the conversation. Laura sat down on the bed.

"Elizabeth, just come home and mend, get your strength up and then see what you want to do.

"Mom, I already know what I want to do. I'm staying."

Laura looked straight into her girl's face, "Liz, you are completely reliant on this man. You have no job, no money coming in, and Bruno seems erratic to me. Lizzy, there is the little boy."

"Mom, I'm staying. Carla's coming next week after you and dad leave. Megan will be here the week after that. By then I should be well enough to find a job to get me on my own two feet. This way, if I need them, I'll have options."

Laura stood to leave the room. "Please reconsider. Everything is so different out here, you don't know your way around. It's all very strange."

"Mom, stop. I'm going to sleep."

Laura was walking to the living room to watch TV when the doorbell rang. It was Jeremy, one of Bruno's dead wife's brothers and he wanted to see Bruno.

"He's at the studio. You'll have to go there." Laura wanted nothing to do with this person or anyone associated with Bruno, for that matter. She was protecting her daughter.

"They won't let me in there. They're supposedly recording and don't want visitors walking the halls. Where's his new wife? She can give him the message," Jeremy said, plowing past a five foot tall Laura and into the house.

"She's not available. You will have to come back when Bruno is here. Now you need to leave this house." Laura turned to the door and opened it for Jeremy to leave.

"I'm not coming back because I'm going home and taking my mom with me. You tell Bruno that my brother and I are filing to take full custody of Jeffrey and we won't take no for an answer. Since mom can't take care of Jeff, we are not comfortable with how he'll  be raised now. You know, it would be good for his wife to know just how unstable Bruno is. And she needs to know Bruno had something to do with my sister's death."

Laura was in no mood to hear what Jeremy had to say, much less that last bit of news. It was obvious how unstable this fellow was himself, barging in and leaving these kinds of messages with her. He didn't even know who she was or ask to see the little boy. This is all very strange, she thought. The sooner Liz is out of here the better.

Elizabeth heard Jeremy's rant and got up from her bed. She was in the hallway when her mother came barreling toward her.

"I told you it is strange here! Did you hear what that man said?" Laura whisper yelled. Jeffrey was asleep on the other side of the wall.

"I'll call Jaime. She'll know what to do," Liz turned to go back to her room, but stopped short and checked on Jeffrey instead. He lie asleep on top of the covers , spread eagle, and in full monkey pajama regalia. King of his room. Jeffrey loved his new jungle room painted with happy faced animals. The bed had been incorporated into a tree house and Liz had thought of spending a nap or two in there herself.

Lizzy pulled her head and shoulders back into the hall and made her way to call Jaime. What the hell now, she thought. Bruno being accused of Nicole's death was news to her. Hopefully, Jaim's could help.

After the call, Lizzy walked into the living room where her mother was cleaning. It didn't need to be cleaned. In her anxiousness, Liz's mom had already scrubbed the place down twice since she and her dad had been there.

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