Chapter 10

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At Bruno's words, Elizabeth, Carla, and Megan, came to attention and greeted Liz's mom uncomfortably. "Mom! Hey, we've got pizza coming. You want some?" Liz hoped her mom had been shopping and just came by to say hello, but was pretty sure that wasn't the case.

Megan moved from the sofa to open a seat for her elder. Laura sat and bypassed any small talk. "Bruno, it's good to see you again! And imagine a traveling musician, back in town so soon, and at my daughter's apartment. Come over and sit down by Liz." FUCK! Shit hittin' the fan!

"Mom." "No, Liz. You can't keep secrets in this neighborhood and-," Laura started. "But Mom we went to -," "Mrs. Correa, we - ," "Please. Call me Laura, Bruno. We are family now." Laura eyed the new couple. Liz shut her eyes, "I'm sorry."

Laura stood and glared directly at the guilty couple. "You should be! My daughter, my only child, doesn't tell me about the most important thing that happens to her! I had to hear it from Aunt Margie! Imagine that phone call! Aunt Margie! You owe me, Liz." Carefully, Carla and Meg had found their way to the kitchen. Maybe far enough away not to feel the wrath of a mother scorned.

"How am I going to tell your dad? Actually, I'm not telling him, you're telling him. Your dad and I don't keep secrets from each other. You have to tell him now, today. This is going to kill him. All he thinks about is you, Lizzy. You will always be his little girl and he's still trying to protect you. You know how he's been with every boyfriend you've ever had and now this. He's gonna go after Bruno like hell fire. Thank God he sold his shotgun. If you do not tell him today, I will be telling your father tomorrow. That is all I have to say."

With all its inhabitants, the room stood completely still. Laura sat back down, disgusted and frustrated. Having let it all out at once, she blew her bangs out of her face, crossed her arms over her chest, and began again, "Bruno. What do you have to say? Does your mother know? Is this behavior acceptable in your family? I hope not. I know you're adults but it's not like you live far away, like in a different country where it would be difficult to contact us. I don't know what to say anymore." Bruno had put his arm around Elizabeth's waist to show support. When she held his hand a feeling of solidarity filled them.

"Laura, we're still trying to figure this all out ourselves," he said. "My family does believe in the magic of love, but no, not to this extreme." "And your mother?" Laura asked, "When are you going to tell her? If I knew her I'd . . . I don't even know where you're from. You both are acting like a couple of teenagers. You have no answers, you haven't thought through anything."

"Mom! You're rambling." "Oh, so you're going to back talk now?" "No mama. It's going to be all right. Bruno and I love each other desperately. We're going to get it figured out. It's just going to take a minute. Come on, we're not a couple of starving kids." "Your not? Are you aware of Bruno's finances?"

"Mother! That is enough. I do not want to disrespect you, but you are now finished. I want you to leave and go calm down. We will come to the house later and tell Daddy." "Mrs.- Laura, when we come by later, I will be happy to answer any questions you and Mr. Correa have for me," Bruno stated carefully just as the doorbell rang.

Meggie answered the door thankful to see the pizza guy. She felt lucky her friend's mom hadn't rained down on her, but was still hungry. Before Meg could shut the door, Liz's dad appeared in the hallway. Shit! Shit! Double Shit! "Liz, Laura, Gab's here."

In tears, Elizabeth excused herself to her room; Meg and Carla grabbed a pizza and became invisible; Bruno stood in the living room not knowing what to do looking like a deer in headlights, and Laura sat again, arms folded, legs crossed, kicking her foot in the air.

"Laura, where's Elizabeth Marie! That girl will be the death - Hernandez, Mars! What the hell? You're the last person I want to see! Get the hell outta here you son of a bitch! You're just a no good troublemaker! How dare you trick my daughter into living with you! You are Hoodlum Scum!" Gabriel was headed towards Bruno with a baseball bat high in hand.

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