Chapter 4

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Alicia woke up w/ big red puffy eyes....Alicia looked at herself & just huffed..Alicia was very emotional that her mother died...She didn't know what to do...Alicia took an hot shower washed her fast & brushed her teeth, which is her morning hygiene...Alicia walked past her mother room & looked down..Alicia put her earphones on & ignored the world

Alicia walked to the bus top & as she was walking she saw her best friend A'kia run up to her.

"Hey Alicia...Wait what's wrong?" Said A'kia

"Oh it's nothing, I'm fine." Hesitated Alicia

"Come on now I known you over a year...I know when your lying or when your upsef." Said A'kia

Alicia pulls A'kia to the side

"My mother passed yesterday, and I don't want anyone to know about it because I will start moping again."

"Oh my god....Alicia I never thought this day would come..." Said A'kia with concern

"I never thought this day would come either...But please don't mention it at all...Because I'm already through a lot.."

"You have my word....Sorry for your lost.."

Alicia & A'kia hugged & walked to the bus stop...The bus came & they were on they way to school...

Alicia headed to her first Block which was English her favorite subject...Alicia wasn't acting herself during English class & the teacher noticed because Alicia always participate in everything the teacher has planned....The bell ringed & the teacher told Alicia to stay...

"Alicia what's wrong? You haven't been yourself since class started." Asked the teacher

"Oh it's nothing...I just......Didnt....get..any sleep...Yeah that's right...I didn't get any sleep." Hesitated Alicia

"Are you sure Alicia?...Your not acting like yourself."

"I'm sure....I just need some tea or coffee & i will be just fine."

"Okay well hurry & head to class no need to be late."

Alicia walked out in relief....Alicia thought she was going to cry again...But clearly she didn't she knew she was a strong person & she know that her mother would want her to be a strong person....That's all momma asked for..Thought Alicia

After school was over Alicia walked home...Alicia got home & was listening to the radio...& she heard that Mindless Behavior was in her city which is New York..Alicia was listening hard to the radio...

Radio: We are giving out a free ticket to see Mindless Behavior at BET & they are V.I.P tickets sooo if you wanna be our winner all you have to do is answer this trick question..

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