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Justin knew that with all the problems him and Ty have been having it was time he did something nice for the guy, he just didn't know what. Tyler would've liked anything Jay gave him but he still wanted it to be special. He looked online and saw new camera supplies but figured it wasn't special for Ty. He had no clue what to get so he texted Loren for advice. After texting for a while and going through ideas they came up with something, a promise ring. Not just any promise ring, Jay had it custom made to say 'forever mine' on the inside of it. It was perfect and both him and Loren knew Tyler would love it. Tyler noticed that Jay was on his phone laughing alot and wouldn't let him see but he decided not to be extra and forget about it. Tyler tried to get a closer look at the messages but Justin got angry and shoved him away. Ty didn't want to make Justin angry so he started to twiddle with his thumbs, holding in his tears. Jay looked up from his phone screen and noticed that Tyler looked uncomfortable so he sat his phone down and sighed. He pulled Ty close to him, making him sit on his lap. He looked up into Tyler's eyes and kissed his cheek. "Don't worry, okay?" Justin said and Tyler nodded. Justin kissed Tyler's neck once more and stood up. "I gotta go, be right back" Justin said and Tyler just stayed silent, still confused. Justin went out to the mall to look at the ring in person when he noticed an old friend from school. "Heyyy Jay" the friend said and they hugged. A fan of Tyler's saw them at the mall and took a picture then sent it to Tyler's Snapchat. Normally Ty would never answer but since Jay was gone he was bored and decided to open it. He saw the picture and his heart dropped. Then he read the caption that said 'what happened to you two?'. Tyler felt betrayed and started to panic. He knew it was most likely just one of Justin's old friends but why couldn't he come along? He tried to call Justin but it went to voicemail so he figured that he would go hang out with old friends to. He called Kevin and they arranged to go to Starbucks and have a besties day. Kevin pulled up and just then Justin pulled up also. Justin looked at Kevin's car and felt confused. He walked into the house and just as he did Kevin walked out, holding Tyler's hand. Justin stopped Tyler and stared at him but Tyler just shoved past Justin. "I'll be back when I'm back, ya?" Tyler said as he left out, still holding hands with Kevin. They left out and on the way to Starbucks Tyler and Kevin took bestie pictures and uploaded them to social media. Fans read the captions and freaked out. Justin got random dms about this and people asking if him and Tyler were still a thing. They were, right? Kevin and Tyler get to Starbucks and suddenly he's not in the mood to hurt Justin. He would never want to hurt him, he loved him too much. They got their smoothies and stopped posting pictures. Kevin drove Ty straight to his house and there layed Justin, sitting on Tylers bed still holding the gift. He wasn't sure about the promise ring anymore or even if Tyler would accept it. Tyler walked in his room and looked at Justin, playing with his fingers looking down. He wondered why he was here. "Why are you here so late?" Tyler asks and Justin manages to keep his temper cool. "You're mom let me in about four hours ago" Justin said and Tyler couldn't believe he had been out that long. Tyler notices the gift and tries to take it but Jay quickly pushes it in his pocket. "What's that?" Tyler asks and Jay stays silent. Tyler didn't like Justin's expressions so he sits next to him. Justin slides down and faces the ceiling, tears rolling down his face. Tyler scoots closer to Justin and places one hand on Jay's inner thigh. "Talk to me please, baby" Tyler says and Justin still stays silent so Tyler takes the gift out of his pocket and opens it. "A ring?" Tyler says and Justin quickly snatches it back, standing up. "A promise ring, not like you'd want it" Justin says as he runs out of Tyler's room and outside. He was about to step into his car when he's stopped by some one pulling on his waist. He turns to see Tyler who's crying. Justin tries to stay strong and away from Tyler but he finds it impossible seeing Tyler cry so much. He looks down and Tears start to fall from his face but he wipes his eyes making them red. He takes his hand and wipes Tylers tears away gently, still frowning. "Of course I want your promise ring" Tyler says and he kisses Justin on the cheek. And at this point Jay has had enough, he can't fight anymore, he can't be without Tyler, he can't be hurt anymore, but mostly, he can't hurt Tyler anymore. He doesn't know what to do so he sits down on the ground and rolls up into a ball, burying his head between his legs. Tyler sits next to him and pulls him into a hug. Justin wraps his arms around Tyler and begins to cry again. "Tyler, I can't be hurt anymore" Justin says pouring his eyes out. "I know baby, I'm sorry" Tyler says as he puts on the promise ring. Justin kisses Tyler on the lips and its begins to rain so Tyler takes off his jacket and puts it on Justin. They know they can get into the car but they would rather be together outside. Justin couldn't wait until his birthday came so he could buy a place for him and Tyler. That way they could be together every night, no problems.



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