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Tyler knew that Justin had bad anxiety and would often have random panic attacks. Tyler hated this and not because it made Justin have mood swings but because it hurt Jay alot. Whenever Jay would have a panic attack he pushed Tyler away and Ty struggled to calm Justin down. That's why they were so good together. Tyler was understanding and easy forgiving. Meanwhile Jay was stubborn and had often mood swings. Tyler most of the time would know how to deal with it but at other times, he just didn't have the strength. It's not all Jay's fault because at other times, Tyler would have mood swings to. Justin used to go to therapy as a child to talk to someone about his anxiety. He didn't feel like they had been helping anymore so he quit when he was at the age of fourteen. Little did he know that him bottling his feelings up just made his panic attacks worse. He never knew how to express them on time so he would take it out on someone he felt comfortable with. And since he now lived with Tyler, Ty was around all the time so Justin often took his anger out on him.


Tyler had came in late and Justin had just got into a fight with Maya and started to edit his yt vid, trying to blow off steam. Tyler noticed that Justin looked upset so he tried to get Jay into bed but Justin shoved him every time. "Leave me tf alone!" Justin yelled as he shoved Tyler hard and Ty tripped, almost falling. Justin didn't notice and kept editing, trying to ignore Tyler. Tyler finally gave up and walked to their room. "Always so damn clingly" Justin mumbled and Tyler heard it. He went inside of the guest bedroom, not wanting Jay to sleep in the same bed. He plopped down on the bed and cuddled into a body pillow. Tears fell from his eyes at what Justin had said to him, it hurt his feelings. He then felt a pain on his arm and took a look. There was a bruise on his arm from when he tripped. He wasn't worried about the bruise anymore he just wanted to sleep peacefully, but he knew it would be hard without Jay. Justin got to frustrated about him and Maya's argument. He never intended to lash out and hurt Ty's feelings. He closed his laptop after saving his progress and headed to their bedroom. He noticed that Tyler wasn't in there but still layed down to go to sleep. After a few minutes of squirming around the bed he gave up and sat at the corner of his bed. He glanced back over at Tyler's side and wish that he hadn't done that. After thinking about what he said to Tyler over and over again he headed to the guest bedroom. As he quietly opens the door he sees Tyler hugging a body pillow with a frown. He feels himself about to cry but bites the inside of his cheek, he hated seeing Tyler like this. He tried to scoot closer to Tyler but Ty quickly moved away. He wanted to cuddle with Justin but after what he said to him, he was too hurt to forgive him that easily. Justin grabbed Tyler's hips as an attempt to get him to roll over but it didn't work. Tyler snatched away Justin's hands and Justin only had one more thing to try. "Baby, im honestly sorry" Justin whimpers as he says in the softest voice possible. Tyler can't say no anymore after hearing Justin's voice. He starts to bawl out in tears as he faces Justin, finally rolling over. Justin tried to pull Tyler closer but Ty just shoved Jay away, tears still rolling from his face. Justin gently takes his hand and wipes away Tyler's tears. "I'm truly sorry" Jay said once again and this time, Tyler pulled himself closer to Justin. He layed his head in the crook of Justin's neck and started to cry harder. Justin took one of his hands to pull Tyler in closer by his waist and with the other he ran his fingers through Ty's hair. "You hurt me" Tyler says as he shows Justin the bruise from tripping. Justin feels terrible and a tear rolls down his eye. He kisses Tyler's bruise and then his lips. "You're still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen" Justin said and Tyler stopped crying. "I love you, I just wish I could stop hurting you" Justin says and Tyler moves his head to Justin's chest. "I love you too" Tyler says and they both drift off to sleep.


The morning comes and Tyler woke up early so he started editing on the couch. Justin comes in and tilts Tyler's head up, pecking his lips. "Goodmorning baby" Justin says as he sits down next to Tyler, pulling him in his lap. "Goodmorning" Tyler says back as he turns around to kiss Justin's cheek. "You okay? You look tense" Justin says and Tyler turns his body so that he's completely facing Justin. "Actually we do needa talk" Tyler says looking Justin dead in his eyes. "Look, if it's about last night I feel horrible, I got into a huge fight with Maya and-" Justin says as he's cut off by Tyler. "No, well sorta. Your mom and dad said that you used to go to therapy and they think with your anger issues it should help again" Tyler says and Justin looks down. "Tyler I don't wanna go to therapy, I feel like a special needs retarded bitch when I'm there. You should see it, the way they look at me" Justin says as his eyes water. "I'll be there every step-" Tyler begins to say but Justin giggles, still crying. "Tyler it's not that, I don't need therapy because I already have it. You're my therapy Tyler" Justin says as he kisses Tyler's lips. "You have NO idea how thankful I am to have you" Justin adds on as he connects Tyler's hands with his. "I love you" Tyler says and Justin kisses his neck. "I love you more" Justin says and Tyler's thoughts on his YouTube video vanishes as he relaxes in Justin's arms. He knew that this wouldn't be Jay's last time hurting him, or that it wouldn't be his last time hurting Justin. He knew one thing however, he was never going to give up on Justin no matter how hard he pushed him away.



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