Suprise Me Baby

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Justin had been having a LONG day and wanted nothing more than to cuddle with his baby and relax. He had agreed to run his parents chores for a couple of bucks but figured it wasn't worth it.

{Time Rewind}

Justin woke up before Tyler, somehow this time Jay's head is on Ty's chest. He climbs over Tyler and gets out of bed, putting the covers back over Tyler carefully. He admired his baby and started to kiss Tyler's asleep lips. After pecking his lips a few times Justin realized that he was waking up Tyler and stopped, not wanting Tyler to wake up. He loved Tyler but he didn't want Ty to come because he knew that all day in the car would kill Tyler of boredom. He yawned and looked at his phone, checking the time. After he realized he was already four minutes late to drop Maya off at work he unlocked his phone and quickly dialed her number. He sees about twenty seven missed calls and freaks out as the phone dials. After about three dials the phone is answered by a very angry Maya. "Guess who was late for work!" Maya yells into Jay's ear. "Damn, sorry Maya me and Tyl-" Jay begins to explain but is quickly cut off by Maya. "SHUSH!! I don't wanna know, y'all nasties" Maya jokes, finally calming down. "We didn't do THAT we just stayed up late watching movies and editing" Justin says as he laughs at Maya's uncomfortable expression. "Okay... Well I gtg, plus. Aren't you late fot that thing you promised to do for your parents?" Shit, Justin had forgotten all about that, he promised to do his parent's chores while they left town. He laughed awkwardly before hanging up. He tosses a random shirt and runs out the door, locking it behind him.

} Magical Time Skip {

A few hours after Tyler wakes up and looks at the time, its almost twelve in the morning. He still needs to shower but stops as he realizes Justin isn't there. He quickly finds Jay's contact and begins to FaceTime him, being declined. "Bitch" Tyler whispers to himself as he normally calls Justin. "Yes bb" Justin's voice says, tiredly and Tyler knows his baby is stressed.


Yes bb?

What's wrong and how long have you been gone

I left around nine and nothing, just tired. I have been running errands for my parents and I'm sleepy

Awe my poor baby

I'm on my way back tho you need anything

Nope, hurry back. Love you

Love you to baby boy


Tyler had felt bad that his baby worked so hard and figured that he would suprise Jay when he got home.


He walked to the dresser and went to Jay's 'special' dresser. In the dresser he grabbed Justin's favorite scented lube and then closed it, trying to ignore the handcuff and rope. He laughed at all the items in there as he never realized how many things they used,bringing back old memories. He went to the closet and pulled out an old shoebox, that didn't have shoes in it. He stripped out of his clothes and slid on the slik, see through outfit. For a while he admired himself in the mirror and looked at his clear neck, which wasn't gonna be clear anymore. He fixed his hair and set up the bed, adding pillows in every corner and clearing the middle. After that he layed on the bed and thinked about what was going to happen until he heard keys giggle at the door.

I unlock the door letting out a huge sigh, barely making it up the stairs as I was too tired to walk. "Baby, you here?" I call out but get no response as I head upstairs. I look in the guest room, where Ty normally was when he was quiet and didn't see him. After giving up I sigh and head to the bedroom, sleeping was gonna be harder than it was already without him. I open the door and am welcomed by the smell of strawberry. I get the door fully open and smirk at what I see. Tyler is wearing a lace - slip - on suit that showed more than it covered. The color of it was black with a small pink button on the tip of where his crotch began. I looked him up and down as all my energy got sucked into me. As I make my way to him he pulls me in close and lays a soft, wet kiss on my neck. "What's this?" I say as I lean in, making our lips touch barely. "A suprise" Tyler says as he pulls me in and lays flatly on the bed, with me hovering over him. Without any more words I bring my lips to his, planting ghostly kisses on his lips as I grind our hips together firmly. I snake my hand down to his thigh and give it a hard squeeze, causing him to let out a moan. I make my way from his lips to his chest, placing love bites all over. I did want Tyler but teasing him was fun. I pull myself back up and begin to suck his neck hardly while grinding my waist on his. "You're... Su-such a te-tease" he studders as he grasps for air and I smirk. After sending a few more love bites I stop completely and stare into his eyes. The sexual tension builds up as out eyes stare at eachother with lust before I cup him through the silky outfit his was wearing. He lets out a raw moan and I decide I'm done teasing and was ready for him. I begin to kiss his lips once again as he lets out moans while we make out. I break the kiss to take my clothes off as Tyler takes of the cute outfit he has put on for me. We share a few more kisses before I lean away and sit up but he tugs me back down. "Baby I-" "Right here, I got your favourite one too" Ty says cutting me off. In my hands he places strawberry lube and I smirk once more at him, that explains the smell when I first walked in. The strawberry had the strongest scent and opening it even a little could fill the room with strawberry lust. I smirk at him once more as I continue to kiss him while I carefully open the lube. I break the kiss and begin to lube up my fingers when he stops me. I look at him curiously as he tilts his head at me slightly, smiling. "I'll ride you without prep, wasn't that bad last time" he says as he smiles softly, his dimples and teeth showing. "Baby boy, you didn't move right for two days" I say and he rolls his eyes, still trying to roll me over. I give in and roll over, placing him on top of me. Who was I to tell him no? It was his body after all. I lube up my member before I slowly place my hand on his waist, leaving the other on my throbbing erection. I look at him for another sign to make sure he's sure and he nods, finally snapping out of his gaze. I slowly guide him down, placing a little more than the tip in and he lets out a loud, high pitched moan. I immediately stop moving and grip on to him tighter, not making him move. "You positive?" I say one final time and he nods, breathlessly. That's it, I'm gonna kill my boyfriend. Without my knowing he slides down more, letting out another high pitched moan which sounded more like a whine. To take his mind off the pain I lean in to kiss him, not realizing that it would push more in. He screams and I plop back down. I decide that the pain should be quick so I take his waist with both of my hands and pull down, causing all off me to go in him. He moans as a tear falls down his face and onto my chest. "We can still quit bb" I say as I lean in to kiss his lips. He accepts and starts to slowly move, moaning each way. He quickens his movements and I groan loudly, throwing my head back at the sensation. "Baby, you gotta go fasterr" I say breathlessly, trying to get my head back up. He tosses his head back and goes faster. He's a moaning mess as he rides faster, just for my pleasure. "I'm-I'm close" he says breathlessly as precum beads from his slit. "Hold it, I'm so close baby" I say and he tries to close his legs but I shoot them back open, griping his thighs hard as I feel a knot form in my stomach. His member turns read as he lets out loud screeches, gasping for breath. I let go, cumming inside of him as he still holds in his orgasm, his member a dark red with precum spilling out. "Let go" I whisper to him in a soft tone as he arches his head and back, cuming on my stomach. I move around to ride out the orgasm and he drops his head in the crook of my neck, still breathing heavy. I reach over and grab a face towel, wiping off my stomach before tossing it into the dirty laundry basket. He rolls over as I slide out of him, pulling the covers over us. I pull him in closer by his waist and lay my head on his chest, tracing circles with my index finger. "Did I suprise you baby?" He says, finally catching his breath. "You always suprise me baby boy" I reply as I put my head back on his chest and we drift off to sleep, peacefully.



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