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another day at U.A., during homeroom. as aizawa teaches things that seems particulary too normal for this academy, a young and timid girl known as (f/n) asks to go to the bathroom.

you are (l/n) (f/n), a girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes from class 1-A. timid and shy, like a fragile soul that needs to be protected. a delicate flower who's petals is always ready to fall down. quirk, can create or change climate in 300 feet radius. you can create any type weather. often makes a breeze completed with sakura petals falls from the classroom roof. creating a calm feeling that anyone can easily fall asleep with.

but that day was the last day anyone is going to meet you as a well, living-breathing being.

5 minutes to your trip to the bathroom, you are not back. it was still considered normal, but a student can't help but feel confusion.

10 minutes and you still not back. some of your classmate wonders. sure, it could've been that you are lost or jurt plain out lazy to go back to class and decided to stay out a little longer. but...

15 minutes and still haven't showed any sign of coming back. uraraka frinantically look back and forth between the teacher and the door. hoping it would make the silent voice of you opening it carefully.

uraraka ochako. the first one to know your existence. yes, you are that invinsible. she befriended you despite being the major opposite of her personality, she find you relieable and relaxing. best friend since middle school to high school.

30 minutes and everyone started to notice the missing presence of you. for a second, aizawa stopped his teaching and just curiously trying to find you in the middle of the confused class. he asked if you're back, but you aren't. with the sudden question of aizawa-sensei, everyone suddenly realize that something is wrong. but still, decided that it's best to wait for a little longer.

homeroom ends, and ochako could not wait any longer. it's been about one and a half hour since you've gone. she went to look for you. her first destination is the girl's bathroom. because it seems reasonable to search for you there. the second she panted and open the restroom door. she can only, stare. wide eyes, and feet trembling. she quickly ran back to her classroom to tell aizawa what she saw.

she bursted in, slamming the door. with tears forming in her eyes and lips quivering. she told aizawa to come and look. hurrily she lead the whole class to the girls bathroom. entering the room, she swears that someone had just puked in the background.

she couldn't bare to look again, she screamed despite seeing this twice. she ran outside the bathroom and find kaminari looking very sick, a small puddle of puke besides him. he was clutching his stomach and panting with eyes as if he had just witnessed a ghost.

they both made eye contact. feeling hurt and scared. in the middle of the crowd, mineta, stumbles backward. quickly he scooted away until his back touched the wall. his eyes are wide and dull, tears rolling down his face. he didn't know if he was feeling scared or mad. either way he didn't want to come near there ever.
time seems to stop as everyone stare at the very scene in front of them. aizawa's hair floats up, he was unmoving and at the very front of the crowd. the thin fabric around his neck started to go loose, he was silent. but even with everyone can only see his back, everyone knows. he was outraged.


he shouted at his students who can only flinched and gape at the new emotion aizawa showed. some take a step backwards, while some stand frozen in place.

nobody can bring to say a word.

because in front of them is you. lifeless. all of ten fingers of yours are gone, gone like they are just chomped off. your blood around you are still fresh meaning you are probably dead not too long ago. your uniform are all shredded to pieces, your skirt was torn apart revealing the spandex you use to cover your panties.

midoriya look at his teacher, then at you, then at his teacher again, then back at you. there is a thing he did not want to admit even thou it's true. the fact that you are dead. then he realize he can't deny it. once you are dead then you are dead for good. a tear falls from his eye then another, then another one. tears keep falling to the point it became a waterfall. "...(f-...(f/n)-chan..." he manage to say before making an outburst of agony. others soon followed. crying their eyes out at you. some are still calm and collected, just in a terrible state of shock.

another teacher comes in wondering what is all of the shouting about. seeing you there, they were shocked and immidietaly calls the police.

but even in the middle of the chaos, nobody can seem to understand. what exactly happened to you.


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