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tuesday- five days before winter break.
your apartment.

you woke up to the feeling of soft fur brushing your cheek. you open your eyes to the slightest bit, letting you see. your dog is sleeping beside you, curled up into a ball, much more like you did. he was probably cold, you tried to convince yourself for some reason. it's not like, even a dog wanted to trust you. you are on the floor, last night you didn't realize you fell asleep just like that. guess you're tired.

you look up to the clock in the wall. you had three hours before class starts. slowly you scoot away from your dog, careful not to wake him. you skipped your way to your kitchen and grab a bowl of waffle batter you saved in the fridge. you made three layered waffles, feeling a little bit out of appetite today. just as you are about to eat, a drop of water made its way just beside your plate. you let out a groan and forcefully stand up from your seat to grab an umbrella. looks like you will be holding on to this umbrella for a while now.

you finished your food and quickly wash up your dishes. living alone means you have to carry all of the house-weight by yourself. are your parents dead? no, they're pretty much a living, breathing creatures. just, not with you. they also knew you were going to die. so what they had in mind was to not create a strong bond with you so they wouldn't have to went trough a whole week of depression. you don't mind though, it's the only way for you to express your gratefulness.

you take one last glance at the sleeping pup, who is not so asleep anymore. he was looking around, spinning. you presume he was looking for you so you showed yourself. and right after he saw you, he hesitantly walked towards you. you grin victoriously. then you notice, how dirty he was. he is now in between your leg, seeking the warmth of your body heat.

you carefully picked him up with one hand while the other hold firm on the handle of your umbrella. you are more than happy to see him do nothing and let you hold him. for once, the rain evaporates into thin air. you brought him to the bathroom. filling your bathtub with warm water, you set down your umbrella and hold him with both hands. you slowly dip him, testing to see if he was afraid. he showed no reaction. you happily release him, letting him play with the shallow water. you gently clean his fur, making sure not to do something clumsy to scare your dog. you're debating whether or not you should put a little bit of shampoo to be extra clean but you are too scared to do that and decided to be against the idea.
once you are done, you set him by a rug and wrap him with a towel making a little cute cocoon. cuteness overload, you squeal and waste no time taking pictures of him. now that you think about it, he doesn't have a name. and you are wondering who should you name him.

softly shoving him out of the bathroom for yourself to clean your body. you took a quick glance at him and close the door, feeling sad at the agonizing look he had gave you before. sighing, you quickly strip down and took a short bath, just because you wanted to be beside your dog again. wrapping yourself in a towel, you quickly stepped out and found out that your dog are still waiting in the same spot. and you realize he hasn't wiggle his way put of the towel cocoon.

you were internally crying as you close your apartment door, not wanting to leave you beloved fluff of ball... BALL OF FLUFF! you got it backwards.
walking to the station while silently cursing about the daily heavy rain above you. like always, you met todoroki on the train. the two of you live on the same area. greeting him silently, he greeted you back, only to frown at the newfound look of you.
your eyes aren't closed, it was beautiful yet menacing. so dull and hurtful, even though they were brightly colored, they gave off the feeling of the color gray. if staring could kill, todoroki would be long gone now. shuddering at your gaze, he tried to keep a stone face and look another way instead.
        but you knew, you always knew. everyone's scared of your eye. yesterday? have you ever heard of the term 'pretending'?
pretending, a thing you always saw nonstop. wherever you go and whenever is that, someone is pretending. whether it's for good or bad, they're pretending. and it almost made you laugh, at how fake society is. and it almost made you laugh, at how good you are at pretending even when you hated it.
but soon, you don't have to pretend. you've decided to show your true nature, just as a present before death. a little gift for you friend that surely, they'll be disappointed with. you don't care, all you wanted is to feel the freedom you always crave for. the freedom you never feel, the freedom you never have.
not knowing that you arrived at your school ground already, you happily skipped towards class.
you're going to crush their heart.
make them suffer.
make them bleed to death.
you're not the shy and timid (y/n) again. you're new person, reborn with a different manner. and you'll make sure nobody's going to like you ever again.

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