Story of fluff ball.

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Another day at the human's house.

She's really nice,

I like her.

I waited patiently for human to get back.

She's at school so i guess she wouldn't be back in a few hours...

I already miss human girl...

I slept peacefully, mind full of beloved human girl.

A click from the barrier that separates the outside world is enough to wake me up from my slumber.

Human girl is back!

I walked up to her,

Something is wrong about human girl.

Her head hung low

Her hair covers her face

Her eyes... are open.

I've never sense much danger in human girl.

Human girl collapses into the soft big human cushion.

I ran up to her,

I need to cheer human girl!

I lay beside her head,

I make myself comfortable once i sense human girl's breathing slowdown.

Her heartbeat lowers its pace.

Human girl is asleep.

I fell asleep beside human girl.



What is this?!

I can sense great danger around.

I lift my head and look at human girl,

I regret it.

Human girl is awake and her eyes are open.

Big and scary, staring directly at my form.

This, is not human girl!




Human girl does not have danger radiates from her!!

"Human girl!"

I called trying to snap her out.

She picked me up harshly.


That hurts!

Human girl twisted my leg!


Human girl!

It hurts!!!!

Her eyes staring directly at me as she continues to break more of my bones.

This is not human girl!



This is reality...

This is what human always do.


I've come to realize... I shouldn't have trusted any human...

Human girl walks up to a part of her house, still carrying my now crushed body.

I was helpless.

I cant do anything.

Even blinking hurts.

Human girl slammed me into the edge of the sink, but not in the sink.

I tried to escape.

But human girl had broken all of my bones. I can't move.

Human girl pulls out the sharp object.

A sharp object i know all too well.

I cried.

Human girl, why?!

I trust you, human girl.

I thought you were different than the other humans!

But i was wrong...

Everything went black as soon as human girl pushed the sharp object into me.


Human girl,

I understand now. No need to feel guilt. I'm happy here in this new place. I've been reunited with mama. I couldn't be happier.

And human girl,

I understand you are, too is tortured. You are trapped in your own mind. You tortured yourself. Human girl, i am not mad at what you did to me. For you, you are just trying to free yourself from the agonizing pain you feel.

Human girl,

I wish you the best health and happiness. For when you ended my life it wasn't you. The real human girl is asleep when that happens. But what had happened to me is done by your anger, dear human girl. They had taken over when you were asleep.

Dear human girl,

Im truly grateful i knew you. Even if it's just a few days, you've shown me what being loved is like.

Thank you




Its human girl!

She's here
She's really here!

I am happy!

"Human girl! I missed you!"

I met human girl once more!

And this time, nothing is going to separate us.

Not death again.

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