Day 1: Ice

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"Jack! Jack!" "Come out, Frost!" "Jack, where are you?"

Yells were heard in the middle of the forest, breaking throught its previous silence. Three tenagers make their way through it, a girl with extremely long blonde hair and a cheery attitude which has been overshadowed with concern, another with a wild fiery red mop of a hair with adventure gleaming in her eyes currently replaced with worry and a slighly skinny boy with brown hair and eyes, face filled with freckles, looking just as distressed as the other girls.

"Jack, where are you?" Rapunzel yelled out, her voice getting tired. "Punz, maybe you should sit down and take some rest. You don’t have too push yourself too far." Hiccup advised her, getting worried for her as well. "Aye, I agree wit’ Hiccup." Merida said, as she continued to look around for a certain pale white-haired boy. "But I can’t just sit here when Jack is out there, all alone… Again. And now… Because of me." Rapunzel admitted, looking down, eyes filled with sadness. "But, lass, ye didn’ mean ter. Jack will understand." Merida offered, trying to make her feel better. "I didn’t mean to ignore him. It’s just… I was angry at him. After that prank he did, I just did. It slipped my mind that Jack doesn’t do well when ignored." Rapunzel explained, tracing figures on the ground with her feet.

"Well, Jack sure loves to be alone." Hiccup blurted out, sarcasm dripping from the words spoken. He immediately covered his mouth, instantly regretting what he said. "No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that, At least not that way. I’m sorry, Punz." Hiccup apologizes to Rapunzel whose eyes started to water. "Now ye’ve done it." Merida commented, glaring at Hiccup. She was about to head over to Rapunzel as she was already quite ahead when…


A branch fell from a nearby tree, snow falling as well. Merida looks up just to see the man they were looking for. “Finally! Jack!” she shouted upward, looking at the young boy standing on a branch, staff in hand, his back facing her. Rapunzel and Hiccup came near where the red-haired lass, the former wiping her eyes of the tears that fell, looking up to see the guy she couldn’t take her mind of.

"Jack, come down, will you?" Hiccup asked. Jack didn’t move an inch, still facing his back towards them. "Please, Jack. I’m sorry, I really am." Rapunzel apologized, hoping Jack will forgive her and understand that she didn’t mean to ignore him. Jack still didn’t budge. "Frost, don’ be so cold ter Rapunzel ‘ere!" Merida yelled, somehwat ticked off at the winter spirit. "Yeah, Jack. You don’t have to be as cold as ice. We really had a hard time looking for you. We could have frozen to death being out in the night in this weather, but no. We looked for you. We will never leave you, Jack." Hiccup told him, expecting him to finally turn around. And turn around, he did. He had a small smile. Not the usual smirk he has on his face when he says an impressive comeback or pulled off an excellent prank, but a smile. No words needed to be said for now the winter spirit had forgiven the young princess. Everything was well, until…


The winter spirit fell on the clump of snow on the ground, his staff falling on his head. The other three laughed, the worry that was evident on their faces, gone and replaced with joy. “Might need some ice on that.” Hiccup added, continuing to laugh right after. Jack just glared at them until he joined in the laughter. And this time, everything was well.

RotBTD Week: Winter 2014Where stories live. Discover now