Day 7: Family

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It was over. Everything was finally over. They had defeated Pitch and his army and in the end, all was well. The journey was difficult and life changing, traumatizing and painful, but in the end, they were thankful of how it ended and how it went. The four teenagers learned so much about each other, went through so many challenges along the way. After the downfall of Pitch, they had met up with their respective families. Hugs and kisses. Love was all around as Rapunzel had met her real parents, Merida had lifted the curse of her mother and Hiccup had proved himself worthy for his father. Jack was believed in and he smiled at the sight around him, but it didn’t last long.

He walked a little distance and leaned against a tree, looking up at the moon. Everything fell silent around him except for the cheers of happiness of the people around him. He closed his eyes, muting the sounds around him, as tears fell from his eyes. “I miss you, mom, sis. Man in moon… I miss them… I miss my family…” Jack whispered, voice cracking. He stays quiet for some time, trying to find comfort in his thoughts.

"Jack…" The winter spirit opened his eyes, slightly turning his head to see his friends with concerned faces. He immediately wiped the tears off his face, not wanting his friends to see him that way. The three went near him and found places to sit near him. Merida on the left, Hiccup on the right and Rapunzel in front of him. "Lad… Why were yeh-" Merida started, concerned but she was cut off by the white-haired boy. "I’m fine." Jack looked down, avoiding his peers’ gazes. They looked even more concerned, feeling worried for their friend.

"Jack… We know you miss your family. You don’t have to hide it. You don’t have to put on a mask. You can let it out." Hiccup uttered, putting a hand on his shoulder. "We know you’re not with your mom or your sister or maybe, your dad… But, you have the Guardians. North, Tooth, Bunnymund, Sandy… They’re your family. They will always be there for you. And besides…" Rapunzel said, smiling at her friend. "You’ve got us."

Jack looked up, his eyes teary. His eyes met up with theirs. He leans in and hugs the three, as they were taken aback. Although, they hugged him back. They didn’t let go for a while, not knowing how long the Guardian needed it. Jack was thankful. Thankful he had the Guardians, thankful that he was given a second chance… And thankful he had the three bestest friends he could ever had. They had gone through so much. Up the mountains, down in the rivers, flying up high in the sky, running through the forest. They went through thick and thin, through many temptations, challenges and problems. But they still stayed together. His family may not be here, but right now, these three people were enough to be family.

RotBTD Week: Winter 2014Where stories live. Discover now