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Sam Gilbert sighed running a hand through his hair, as he stared at the door of the house he grew up in

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Sam Gilbert sighed running a
hand through his hair, as he stared at the door of the house he grew up in.
He raised his hand to knock only to let it fall by his side.
"I could stay with Caroline."
He shrugged.
However he never got to carry out the thought.
Because the door flew open and there stood his little brother.
"What the hell?"
Jeremy exclaimed.
"What? No hello for your big brother Jer?"
He smirked raising his eyebrows.
"Yeah well sorry, after you checked out I didn't think you'd check back in."
Jeremy glared going to slam the door.
Sam stuck his hand out and pushed open the door watching as Jeremy stormed into the kitchen, Sam of course followed.
"Jer who was at the-"
Elena stopped mid sentence her eyes landing on her older brother.
"Hey Lena."
He smirked.
Elena quickly ran to him wrapping her arms around his neck.
"I though you were staying in England for another year!"
She exclaimed pulling back and looking at him.
"Well Lena I thought it was time for me to come home."
Elena took a minute to look over her brother, noticing how he had grown up.
He wasn't the scrawny kid she grew up with.
"Who's Casanova over here?"
Damon raised an eyebrow.
Sam then took notice to the others in the kitchen.
Three guys, all very attractive Sam thought to himself.
He took a glance to the older looking of the three.
Sam assumed he was now Jeremy and Elena's guardian.
He also noticed the one with raven hair and the one with piercing green eyes.
"This is my brother Sammy-"
"Actually Elena it's Sam now. And what's your name?"
Sam asked smirking as he looked at the older man.
"Um, Alaric."
The teacher looked at him in confusion.
"He's our teacher."
Jeremy told him flatly.
"Man if our teachers looked like that in England."
Sam bit his lip.
He then turned to Damon sticking out his had.
"I'm Sam."
Damon gave a fake smile.
"Damn, don't tell me you're a teacher too."
Sam chuckled.
"Wait you're gay?"
Elena asked turning to her brother.
"Are you questioning my own sexuality?"
Sam laughed his newly found accent clear now to his siblings.
Jeremy nodded from beside his sister.
"Okay fair."
Sam nodded moving onto the other man in the room and shaking his hand as well.
He gave the other Gilbert a kind smile.
"So Sam, how was England?"
Elena asked with a smile as Sam set his bags down.
"It was great, I did well in classes made some good friends."
Sam told her vaguely.
"Anything else?"
Elena urged on, surely her brother had done more in a year with no one to stop him.
"I made good friends."
Sam repeated like a broken record.
Damon furrowed his eyebrows taking a deep breath.
"Elena he's on vervain."

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