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"Out of all the places you could've gone you chose your home town?"Kai chuckled running his hand over Sam's cheek

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"Out of all the places you could've gone you chose your home town?"
Kai chuckled running his hand over Sam's cheek.
Sam chuckled grabbing Kai's wrist as he sat up in bed.
"I didn't really have a choice."
Sam smirked holding onto Kai's wrist with one hand and lacing their fingers together with the other.
"Fair point."
Kai sighed propping his back against the head board.
"I'm sorry how everything went down that day."
Kai said softly.
"Don't be."
Sam chuckled throwing his leg over Kai's as his other was bent close to him.
"So are Originals better then heretics?"
Sam laughed moving to straddle Kai.
"It's a tough decision to make."
Sam smiled.
Klaus exclaimed bursting into the room making Sam jump, falling off the bed.
"I didn't know you brought our friend home."
Klaus smirked grabbing Sam by the shoulders and helping him up.
"I didn't know he was our friend."
Sam raised an eyebrow at Nik who had a tight smile.
"A friend of yours is a friend of mine."
Klaus gritted out.
"I wish I could agree."
Kai sighed.
"Well I was just sent to tell you my dear brother is requesting you to come down stairs."
Niklaus pushes Sam to the door as the vampire chuckled jogging down stairs.
"Wow I expected more arrogance from an original hybrid."
Kai chuckled standing up.
"And what is that supposed to mean?"
The smile was gone from Klaus's face as he squared Kai up.
"I just find it funny that you're so worried about me you have to send your brother, who is also your completion I might add, out with Sam just to keep him away from me."
Niklaus glared his eyes turning yellow.
"I believe you're over staying your welcome."
"Well I believe, you invited me here to fix the problem you couldn't."
Kai gave a childish smile as he patted Niklaus on the shoulder.
"I'll see you around Nik, I'm gonna go find that old alcohol at the Salvatore house."
Kai shot the fuming hybrid a wink before skipping out.

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