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"Elijah, Niklaus said you wanted to see me

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"Elijah, Niklaus said you wanted to see me."
Sam smiled walking to Elijah's room.
"Ah yes, I just wanted to know if you wanted to read?"
Elijah smiled softly as Sam laughed.
"Of course Elijah, you know I love reading with you."
Elijah smiled as Sam pulled his sleeves down to his wrists.
"What book today?"
Elijah asked propping up against the head board of the bed as Sam walked over to the bookshelf.
Sam smiled down at the old book climbing onto the bed and handing it to Elijah.
"The Tempest, William Shakespeare."
Elijah let out a small chuckle as Sam curled into his side, his head resting on Elijah's chest.
"'...A prince, Miranda—I do think, a king;
I would, not so!—and would no more endure
This wooden slavery than to suffer
The flesh-fly blow my mouth."
Elijah read softly as Sam messed with a button on his suit.
"Hear my soul speak,"
Elijah read the next lines in a whisper.
"The very instant that I saw you
did my heart fly to your service."
Sam looked up to Elijah only to find the original was already looking down at him.
Sam slowly pushed the book away pulling Elijah closer by his neck and kissing him softly.
Sam sat up throwing a leg over Elijah so he straddled him.
"I love you."
Elijah whispered quietly.
Sam winced squeezing his eyes shut with a sigh.
"You can't say that Elijah."
Sam told him wearily, his voice cracking.
"Why not? It's the truth."
Elijah smiled softly as Sam licked his lips, tears gathering in his eyes.
"Because I can't say that anymore with the circumstances and I just I care about you s-so much-"
"Hey, take a breath Sam."
Elijah whispered as tears fell down the boy's face.
Sam sighed hating himself for being overdramatic.
"I just don't know how I feel quiet yet."
"That alright. It won't make me love you any less."
Elijah smiled as Sam ran his thumb over his cheek.
"Why are you so perfect?"
Sam mumbled to himself.
"I better go, I have something I need to take care of."
Elijah nodded as Sam stood up walking out the door.
Sam turned to see Kai holding a bottle of Bourbon.
"Hey what's up?"
Sam smiled.
"Nothing, I just heard your little talk with Elijah."
Kai glared.
"Okay? All you have to say is okay?"
Kai shouted dropping the bottle and letting it shatter.
"Why are you so upset?"
Sam yelled back.
"Because you're leaving again!"
"What are you talking about, I'm right here!"
Sam yelled, his voice echoing in the house.
"But you're not! You're with them and it's like you're gone all over again!"
"Well I'm sorry Kai, but things aren't like they used to be it's not just you and me anymore."
Sam glared.
"Well maybe I can't do that."
Sam was taken aback at the statement.
"W-What do you mean?"
"I'm saying, right now Sam, you pick me or you pick them."
"Kai please."
Tears began falling down Sam's face as Kai stood stoned face.
"Sam if you don't choose right now I'm walking out that door and I'm not coming back."
Kai coldly smirked as more tears took over Sam.
"Kai please, I-I just got you back please."
Sam cried.
Kai was quiet as he watched the vampire in front of him cry.
"The fact you even have to think about what to do here is enough to make me leave."
Sam felt part of his heart shatter as Kai turned.
"Kai! Kai please!"
Sam sobbed feeling a weight settle on his chest.
However Kai didn't hesitate, slamming the door behind him.
In that moment Sam just wished he had stayed with Elijah, listening to him read.

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