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"Kol!" Sam screamed falling to his knees as he watched Jeremy set Kol's dead body on fire

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Sam screamed falling to his knees as he watched Jeremy set Kol's dead body on fire.
"Stop it Jeremy! Stop it!"
Sam screamed as tears fell down his face.
Jeremy didn't acknowledge his brother as he killed the Original.
Sam screamed once more not even attempting to hold back his tears.
Elena then came barreling in through the backdoor.
"What the hell did you do Jeremy?"
Elena yelled.
"You can come in now."
Jeremy glared.
Sam quickly sped beside Kol's burnt body as he cried.
"What did you do?"
Sam shouted at Jeremy pinning him against the staircase.
"He killed you. So I returned the favor."
Jeremy smirked.
"No. No."
Sam shook his head as he felt like the tears wouldn't ever stop.
"He's dead Elena."
Elena felt tears in her eyes as she watched her brother.
Suddenly Niklaus and Elijah sped into the Gilbert house.
"Sam, Sam breathe."
Elijah whispered pulling Sam away from Jeremy.
"He's dead Elijah."
Sam continued to cry like a child
"It's only gonna get worse."
Sam whispered, his tears seeming to slow to down.
"Sam don't talk like that."
Elijah whispered.
Sam shook his head as his face fell blank and he looked over to Niklaus standing over Kol's body.
Klaus did his best to stand in front of his body blocking Sam's view.
"Come on love. Let's go home."
Klaus whispered.
Sam slowly and emotionlessly walked over to Klaus, the Hybrid wrapped an arm around his shoulders and lead him out of the house.
Elijah stopped looking down at Kol's body.
"Rest in peace brother. Rest assured Niklaus will avenge you."
He looked up to Jeremy who glared back.
Elijah then left the house following his brother and Sam.


Sam lay in Kol's bed, having put on one of his old sweaters.
He pulled it over his hands and inhaled, the smell of sage and wood filling his senses, the smell of Kol still lingering on his clothes.
Sam kept the lights off and the curtains closed for two days, and only fed when Niklaus brought him a blood bag.
"You're going to have to get out of bed sometime love."
Elijah whispered standing at the foot of the bed.
Sam just continued to stare at his hands.
"It's been two days Sam."
Elijah whispered softly.
"Kol was the start of everything."
Sam quietly spoke for the first time.
"If I hadn't have ran into him that day I never would have met you, I never would have met Niklaus. I wouldn't have ever found happiness."
Sam's eyes flickered over to Elijah's.
"Kol would want you to be happy, out dancing on tables."
Elijah smiled softly trying to help Sam.
"If I would have died Kol wouldn't have."
Sam whispered sitting up with his back against the head board.
"Don't talk like that Samuel."
Elijah whispered dangerously low.
Sam looked down at his hands as he sighed.
"I don't know what to do. Every time I look at you I think of him,"
Sam chuckled bitterly.
"And I just want it to stop hurting."
Elijah said worriedly.
"Forgive me Elijah."
Sam whispered a tear rolling down his face as he closed his eyes.
Elijah screamed speeding over to him.
Sam opened his eyes slowly looking into Elijah's panic filled once.
He chuckled smirking as a look of terror fell over his face.
"Why so scared Elijah?"
Sam whispered speeding Elijah into a wall.
Sam cut Elijah off with a deep chuckle.
Sam smirked.
"You can't do this!"
Elijah raised his voice.
"Oh you're mad."
Sam laughed stepping away from Elijah.
"Sam this isn't funny."
Elijah glared as Sam threw on his black shirt and leather jacket.
"I think so."
Sam smirked throwing on his shoes.
"See you around Elijah."
Sam sped away into Mystic Falls.
Elijah sprinted to Niklaus's study a distraught look on his face.
"What happened?"
Niklaus asked setting down his paint brush.
"Sam, he turned it off."
Elijah told his brother.
Niklaus glared harshly releasing a growl as he threw his painting to the ground.
"His humanity is gone."

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