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Sam groaned feeling the Original shake him awake.
"Come on Sam, can't lay here for eternity."
"We can try."
Kol chuckled as he lazily pushed a hand through his hair.
Kol smiled looking down at him.
Sam slowly sat up looking at the vampire.
"Yes darling?"
Kol smirked grabbing his hand.
"I want you to change me."
He whispered looking into Kol's eyes.
"Anything you want."
Kol nodded placing a hand on Sam's neck.
"Just not today."
Sam sighed but nodded.
"Here I got you some coffee."
Kol smiled passing Sam the mug.
Sam chuckled taking it.
"How would I get by without you?"
"You wouldn't."
Sam laughed making Kol smile.
He took a sip of the mug before setting it down and standing up. 
He threw on his black shirt, having slept in his jeans much to Kol's protests.
"Guess who came home last night?"
Kol smirked as Sam's smile widened.
Sam jogged down the stairs seeing the blonde girl.
The girl smiled walking over to Sam.
She laughed as the boy wrapped her in his arms.
"How are you?"
She asked.
"Better now that you're back."
Sam smiled.
"Kiss up."
Klaus mocking laughed.
"Wow you're so funny."
Sam sarcastically smiled.
"As always."
Sam rolled his eyes as Klaus smirked.
"I'll be going then, I have a few things I need to do."
Sam kissed Rebekah on the cheek before grabbing his jacket and heading out of the mansion.
Sam decided to take a short cut through the woods to the Grill as he lit a cigarette.
He inhaled the smoke as he trudged through the leaves.
"Hi Sammy."
A voice made him turn.
Sam raised an eyebrow.
The girl smirked as Sam's face fell.
"Not Elena."
The doppelgänger sped to him quickly wrapping her hands around his neck, and before he could even process what was happening he saw black.

Niklaus carried Sam's body over his shoulder as he and his brother stood on the step of the Gilbert house.
"Invite us in."
He huffed a deadly look in his eyes.
Elena let out a faint cry as Jeremy stared quietly inviting them in.
Klaus set his body on the couch as he looked at the others.
"What happened?"
Caroline whispered looking at her old friend.
"Why don't you ask these idiots?"
Niklaus asked pointing to the Salvatore's.
"You think we did this?"
Stefan questioned shocked.
"Who else would it have been?"
Klaus raised his voice.
"Why don't you ask your psychopath of a brother over there?"
Damon questioned.
The vampires, and Jeremy, turned to see Kol standing in front of the couch a calm expression on his face.
"Kol what did you do?"
Elijah questioned his brother.
"I didn't- I didn't think out of all the days he would die today."
Kol scoffed.
"What are you talking about?"
Elena questioned wiping away her tears.
Kol sighed.
"Look, Sam wanted me to change him, and from what I've experienced as soon as someone wants to be changed is when they get a target on their back."
"Spit it out brother."
Niklaus glared angrily.
"This morning I slipped some of your blood into his coffee, how was I supposed to know he'd get his neck snapped?"
Kol shrugged.
"So you're saying..."
Caroline trailed off quietly.
Suddenly Sam shot up with a gasp of air, veins under his bloodshot eyes.

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