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Sam stood his jaw agape as he looked at the vampires

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Sam stood his jaw agape as he looked at the vampires.
"And you all were just okay with me being with all three of you?"
Sam questioned.
The originals all smirked.
"Better all of us than none of us."
Kol chuckled.
Sam tilted his head nodding slightly.
"Fair point."
Sam huffed out a breath as he looked at the three Originals.
"So that's what happened in England."
Kol snickered at the boy.
"Why so quiet darling?"
"Just processing. Why did you compel me?"
Sam raised an eyebrow.
"We couldn't have your sister telling her body guards of boyfriends you knew us. They would've never let you go home."
Niklaus chuckled.
"Well that's a drag."
Sam smirked pulling out a cigarette.
Elijah sped over to him.
"Not today love."
Elijah threw the cigarette to the ground with a smirk as Sam shot him a glare.
"The hell?"
He raised an eyebrow.
"Don't be so uptight Sammy, let's go for a drink."
Klaus wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
"It's Sam."
The Gilbert boy smiled sarcastically walking out of the mansion.

"You really think you can out drink two Original vampires and an Original hybrid?"
Niklaus chuckled his blue eyes looking into Sam's.
"I'd sure as hell like to try."
He chuckled as Kol placed five shots of god knows what in front of each of them.
"Wow Elijah doing shots."
Sam faked a gasp as Elijah rolled his eye.
"On three."
Kol counted down. 
Sam quickly downed his shots half a second quicker then the others.
He shouted slamming his hand on the bar.
"Impressive love."
Nik smirked.
"Yeah I know my tolerance is like way up there with your ego."
Sam smirked slightly buzzed.
Elijah and Kol laughed as Niklaus stared at the boy jaw agape.
"You know I'm going to forgive you since you're clearly buzzed beyond comprehension."
Kol laughed harder at Klaus's reply as Elijah rolled his eyes once more.
"You're hot when you look annoyed."
Sam smirked leaning toward Elijah.
Sam grabbed the Original's jaw in his hand as he stared at his lips.
"I would've never left England if I didn't have to."
Elijah smirked looking at Sam.
"Good to know."
Elijah whispered back to him.
Sam bit his lip with a smirk.
"Gilbert what the hell?"
Damon's voice made all four groan.
Sam pulled away from Elijah looking at him.
"What do you want Damon?"
Sam leaned back on the bar.
"Oh nothing, but in about three a seconds your sister is going to come barreling in here looking for you, and believe me she does not want to see you with them."
Sam snickered looking at Damon.
"Come on Day. She gets the Salvatore's, I get the Mikaelson's. Sounds fair."
Damon rolled his eyes.
He went to open his mouth when the door to the Grill swung open and Elena came storming in.
"Jesus Christ."
Sam mumbled taking out a cigarette, putting it between his teeth, and walking to the back door of the Grill.
All the vampires following.
Sam groaned blowing smoke out into the air.
"Care to explain Sam?"
Elena asked a Salvatore on either side.
"We'll catch you later darling."
Kol smirked before speeding away with his brothers.
Sam breathed in smoke rolling his shoulders as he crossed his arms, holding the cigarette between his fingers.
Elena asked with an edge.
"What Elena?"
Sam spoke harshly a scowl on his face.
"What are you doing with them?"
Elena spat.
Sam chuckled bitterly sobering up.
"They told me about what happened in England."
"How would they know?"
Damon cut in.
"I don't know, maybe because I was sleeping with all three of them."
Sam tilted his head with a smirk as he tossed his cigarette to the ground.
"You what?"
Elena shouted trying to make a move toward her brother, but Stefan grabbed her wrist.
"Slept with them."
Sam repeated.
"Are you kidding? These people are dangerous Sam!"
Elena glared taking a step closer to her brother.
"And your boyfriends aren't?"
Sam shouted back at her.
"You're acting insane."
Elena glared.
Sam chuckled bitterly.
"Maybe I shouldn't have came back."
Sam shouted looking down at his little sister.
"You shouldn't have."
Elena crossed her arms looking down.
"You mean that?"
Sam asked his jaw going slack as he stared at Elena.
She nodded no expression on her face.
"I do."
Sam put his hands in his pockets with a frown 
"Alright. I'll see you around."
Sam turned walking out of the alley, hiding his hurt expression.

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