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"Ow Damon!"Sam shouted as Damon drug the boy back to the Gilbert house by his neck

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"Ow Damon!"
Sam shouted as Damon drug the boy back to the Gilbert house by his neck.
"The hell was that?"
He shouted leaving the others in the house shocked.
"Do I look like I know?"
"They said they knew what you did on your boarding school trip!"
Damon exclaimed.
"I said I don't know!"
Sam glared getting in Damon's face.
Damon glared speeding to pin the boy against the staircase.
"Then what don't they want you to know?"
Damon was much quieter now.
"What the hell happened?"
Stefan exclaimed.
"The original dicks that's what happened."
Damon scoffed as he straightened Sam's shirt before lazily walking away.
"What do you mean? Why was he alone?"
Elena shouted walking in front of Damon.
"I leave the kid alone for ten minutes so he can smoke-"
"You smoke!"
Jeremy and Elena turned to him.
He threw his hands up in exasperation.
"Nice going Day."
He sighed leaning back sitting on the couch.
"Back to the important issue he can't talk to them anymore."
Sam's laugh broke the tension as he looked up at them.
"What's so funny Sam?"
Jeremy crossed his arms not amused with his brother.
"I'm twenty years old, you can't control me Damon."
Sam pushed himself off the couch getting in Damon's face once again.
Damon moved quickly grabbing Sam by the neck.
"I'm over a hundred, and I can do whatever I want."
He whispered harshly.
"Damon enough!"
Alaric shouted sternly.
Damon backed up from Sam with a sarcastic smile.
"I like you Gilbert. Do not shatter my image of you."
Damon turned and walked into the kitchen.
"You okay?"
Stefan questioned.
Sam gave him a nod.
Alaric sent him a look and Sam did the same, wondering how people he had just met cared about him.
Elena shot him a look of sympathy following the boys into the kitchen.
Jeremy didn't even spare a glance and went to his room.
"I need a cigarette."
Sam grumbled running a hand over his face.
He went on the porch sitting down on the steps.
He took out his lighter and lit the cigarette between his teeth.
He squinted up at the sun as he inhaled smoke.
The smell filling his senses.
A voice whispered.
His head shot to the trees and he caught a glimpse of brown hair.
He quickly stomped out his cancer stick and walked over.
He looked around seeing nothing.
He looked again to where he heard the voice, now seeing a glimpse of blonde hair.
He jogged over nothing.

He followed the voices for what felt like an hour, before he stumbled upon a huge mansion.
"Where the hell..."
He whispered to himself.
He slowly walked to the door slowly opening it.
He called out cautiously.
"Please forgive us for being so secretive about getting you here sweetheart."
The man in the suit he had saw at the grill smiled softly, now standing in the middle of the room.
"That no good Salvatore wouldn't dare let us near you."
The brown haired one smirked from beside him making Sam jump.
"Listen darling," he mocked.
"You sneaks up on me one more time I will bitch slap you."
Sam huffed.
The man laughed loudly.
"Now Elijah, I remember why I liked him so much."
The man looked to the one in the suit.
Sam mumbled making a mental note.
"Yes sweetheart?"
Elijah asked.
"Just matching names to faces."
Sam shrugged his eyes looking over Elijah.
"Well in that case I'm Kol."
The one beside him smiled.
"I would introduce myself but I have a feeling you already know who I am."
"Indeed love."
Blondie appeared beside Elijah.
"I'm Niklaus."
"And based off what Damon told me, you're vampires?"
Sam raised an eyebrow pointing at them.
Kol always seemed to have a smirk on his face.
"And you, compelled me?"
Sam tested the ridiculous word out.
"Of course."
Niklaus chuckled.
"Well I have one question."
All the brothers looked to him.
"What the hell happened in England?"

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