Chapter 2

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"W-W-What? Th-that's not true." I stuttered. Kronos looked at me sadly. "I'll prove it." He slowed time and smiled, "Control it."

I focused for a minute and time started to speed up. It took so much out of me though that I fell to the ground on all fours panting.

"Wh-What just happened?" I asked Kronos.

"17 years ago I met Diana Jackson- no relation to Sally Jackson- and accidently had a demigod, You. I knew if the olympians knew of you that they would kill you and Diana and I never want that so I gave you to Sally Jackson , who was Poseidon's mortal love, and had Oceanus" he pointed to the blue eyes man "bless you with water powers so we could trick the Olympians to believe you were a son of Poseidon. We hid you away and planned our rising as if you didn't exist but I missed you and Diana so I changed the plan. I see if you could defeat me and then we would bring you home to help us defeat you brothers and sisters, the gods. Do you understand?" Kronos explained.

I did. The gods tried to kill me before, if only they knew the truth like I now did.

A wicked grin grew on my lips, "what you do need me to do father?"

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