Chapter 8

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I didn't think dad could surprise me again after the whole 'I'm you dad.' Bomb but wow. I was wrong. Earlier in our meeting which included,




-All the giants

-Krios and Koios

-Me and Madison


But no limited to them alone. Madison was reporting on the captives when dad butts in like "I believe we should let them go, tortured, to show what we can do if they don't listen next time we get captives."

I tripped over my own feet and shouted at Top of my lungs, "WHAT"

Dad glared and I sunk in my throne, "all in favor?" Kronos, Gaea, Oceanus, Hyperion, and Krios raises there hands. Me, Madison and Koios along with Atlas sat angry. I grinned though when they said me and Madison along with Kelly, commander of the 1st legion, could torture them.

I walked in, my full prince attire on from the meeting. I took out timeless, and smiled. There faces lit with fear. Madison stood high behind me, her 5'7 build made her pretty tall and idemitating. She wore a black cape and a matching pair of pants, she had her mask and her dark red, long sleeve shirt under her black armor.

She wore a black cape and a matching pair of pants, she had her mask and her dark red, long sleeve shirt under her black armor

Kelli wore her blonde hair pulled back, she was a immortal daughter of Selene, a Titan that faded a while ago sadly. Her silver mask was just enough to cover her blue eyes to make her unrecognizable. Her strapped on white armor was tight and her sparkling ivory dagger was covered in dried blood. The scar on her left cheek was red from her last battle, winning over the ghosts in oddessysus's castle.

Madison drew her iron sword while wickedly grinning. I turned to them and activated my voice distorter. "Hello demigods. Ready to scream?"

Bloodcurdling screams erupted from their cell, they could be heard from all over our underground base, probably above ground too. The screams continue for about an hour and when we stop. We look at our work.

Leo was tortured by Madison which I was mad about but dad said I would kill him if I got to, and he was right. Leo had a cut going from his forehead, across his eye, and down his cheek. His arms were pure blood and scars, his Leg was broken. All were minimal damage to Madison.

Kelli had Piper, Piper was bleeding out in the stomach so she was allowed a bandage. Her arm was snapped, broken by Kelli. Lots others that were too gory to list.

I had Jason, you might as well call him red skinned. That's how bloody he was. I don't want you to know how I did it but he was missing three teeth, had broken glasses, his chest was blood red, covered in scars and bleeding horridly. His mouth was bleeding, as was his nose. Kronos walked in and smiled, "demigods, spread what we can do if you oppose us. Let us go son." He said. I turned on my heel and left, my head held high. Madison followed two minutes later, Kelli came out with her. Kronos snapped his fingers and said "they are with there friends."

"May me and Madison go into battle yet," I said taking off my mask. Kronos smiled, "I'll send you and Madison to help squad 3 against Artemis, her hunters ambushed the group and they are fighting as we speak. I have a concern that the army will be take hostage so you must go now."

My eyes lit up as a child's would, I pecked Madison on the lips, "let's go. The hunters have payback coming." I said happy to get in combat. Finally training is put to use. He nodded in pride, he flicked his hand And a golden portal appeared, "go quickly."

I nodded, put on my mask, and gave Madison a long kiss before sperating and jumping through the portal.

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