Chapter 3

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Kronos smiled, "Me and Oceanus will train you and your new partner, you'll lead our army of demigods and titans into battle if the Argo II comes near Athens, your post. They will be in Rome this week so it gives us enough time to train your powers. Koios will show you to your quarters once we get back to Mount Olympus." He explained to me.

I stared at him confused and he grinned "Under Mount Olympus is our base of operations."

Before I could question anything, Gaea snapped her fingers and Everyone was standing in a stone room, the room had thrones everywhere and a table in the middle. Giants and Titans alike sat upon the thrones. Kronos steered me to the tables and grew the fifteen feet, he held out hi hand and I stepped on, he sat me on the table before walking to his throne next to Gaea. I stared at the multiple titans and giants I had killed, all were back again. I smiled. Gaea started the conversations by pointing at a map, "so...let's all welcome Percy Jackson, Son of Kronos." 

The next day, Krios showed me to the training arena but I stopped dead staring at the person in the middle of the arena. I could tell it was a girl because above her red tank top, a celestial bronze breastplate that was painted black and tightly fitted around her. She had black arm guards as well and her black leggings seemed to be metallic. She had on a war helmet that was black as midnight with hints of red. She was spinning like a whirlwind with to bronze swords and took out anything attacking her. I was Tartarus was sparing with her. She rolled sideways and brought her sword up to block a blow from Tartarus! She was amazing. They kept fighting until the girl brought a leg behind him, making him fall and brought both swords decapitating style on his neck. Tartarus smiled and said amused "I yield." The girl grinned and backed up panting. She took of her helmet and shoved it under her arm revealing her pale complexion and rock-solid black eyes that seemed happy. Her flowing black hair was in a ponytail and she sheathed her two swords at her sides. She seemed about 16, a year younger than me. Tartarus turned to us, "Percy, My boy, Meet your new partner Madison, my daughter. I'll leave you to go get introduced. You train with your father at 5:00 but you stay with Madison till than. Goodbye" he talked with Krios and left with him. I turned to Madison, "hello."

I expected a hi in returned but she charged, I pulled riptide from my pocket and blocked a blow from one sword but she tried to stab me with the other. I couldn't win. I need a shield. I see a rack across the room and slid under her, I grabbed a golden shield and turn in time to block a stab. I cut her leg and she growled- actually growled. Her eyes turned red and she turned into a killing machine. I blocked and blocked until my shield was thrown away so I did the move I learned so long ago from Luke, the disarming technique. Her left sword was thrown across the room and her eyes turned normal and she looked shocked. I cut her arm and spun behind her. I put her in a headlock and she laughed, "good job. I yield" Madison told me. "Um, what the hades! You just attacked me!" I yelled. She laughed her melodious laugh and smiled "I was just seeing if you deserved the title of my partner."

I understood that and we spared some more and she showed me new moves while I taught her some. Than I went to train with my father in the other arena.

"Hey dad!" I called, running up despite the fact he was covered in sweat from training with Madison.

"Percy! How do you like Madison?" He asked.

"She's awesome, and a great fighter." I tell him.

He started basically and taught me how to slow time. I was on the floor the first time I did it and dad gave me time to rest. I tried again and managed to stay on my feet but couldn't move my arms or head. By the end of the training at nine, I could slow time with almost no trouble.

I went to my quarters in the soldiers barracks and slept but of course nightmares pleaded against me.

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