Chapter 7

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"Perseus, why are you kissing Madison?" My father asked,

"Because-because she's my girlfriends," I explained.

He smiled, "why did you not tell me sooner!" He exclaimed and pulled us into a hug. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "So, update me on the prisoner status." He says.

"We need to contact the gods, now." Madison said smirking. Dad smiled, we followed him to the meeting room. Gaea, Kronos, Madison, And me sat in our thrones, Kronos and Gaea were sitting in there normal sized ones instead. Kronos had a golden throne, covered in engravings of watches -from stop watches to digital clocks. - Gaea has a dirt covered throne with exotic flowers Fromm orange to violet. Madison's throne was black and covered in red lines that looked as if blood was running down her throne from scars. Then mine. Mine was light blue with gold carvings of numbers, surronded by the clock hands.

I pulled my mask down, as did Madison and Kronos IMed Olympus, Zeus sat in the throne room while arguing with Hera but turned to us and gasp, "Kronos! You should be dead!" The council appeared immediately as Zeus summoned them. Kronos smirked at the shocked expressions. "Hello Olympians." I said. "We would like to inform you of the fact that we have three of your, quote on quote 'heros', hostage. Among them is Jason Grace, Piper McLean, and Leo Valdez." Artemis was the one to speak up, "and who are you boy?" She spit with venom.

"I am the son of Kronos, Prince of Time." I spoke.

Poseidon glared, "Where is my son? The son of Hades report said that you have him."

"Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon, is gone." I spoke. It was true, I was no longer Percy Jackson. I was no longer a son of Poseidon. I was different back then. I am no hero. But one thing remains the same. I am loyal, and I AM loyal to my father.

Madison stepped in next, "We demand that you give us Rulership over the universe in exchange for your phony hero's, so easy to take down that is pitiful. We shall also tell you of where Percy Jackson is." When she finished, I glared at her but no one noticed.

"We shall contact you soon." Zeus cut us off. We sat laughing after the call. This was fun.

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