Part 3

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Harry Potter world,
which is trademarked by J. K. Rowling. This story is purely for entertainment purposes, no money is being made from it.

A/N: Big thank you to my beta Loki God of Evil ^_^


He was still thirteen, but not for long.

Feeling uncomfortable. Out of place and surrounded by glamour and riches. He had found himself at a posh Yule ball party. Dressed in borrowed robes. The silky wool caressing his skin. He knew he didn't belong here, didn't feel like he belonged anywhere.

Sticking his chin out, squaring his shoulders, he was still grateful. Grateful to his mother for teaching him Occlumency, after he almost had an outburst of wild magic from his father's attack last summer, she had taken her time to teach him. He was talented, naturally because, according to some; Occulumency was not an easy skill to master, but it was a most useful one to have.

There he was, standing in a secluded corner, present yet removed from the crowd. Lucius had spotted him and approached with a tall dark man, a pleasant smile on his face as he neared.

"Severus! Why are you hiding? Let me introduce you to a family friend." He turned to the man. "This is Igor Karkaroff, a professor at Durmstrang Institute. Igor, this is my protégé, a very talented young man – Severus Snape, future Lord Prince."

"Lucius!" He greeted, feeling himself blushing at the admiration. "Pleasure to meet you, Sir." He bowed politely to the dark man.

"Future Lord Prince? As far as I know, the Prince line will die out with the last and quite elderly Lord."

"My mother was disowned, erased from the family tapestry, Sir."

"Ah. Well, in that case, the pleasure is all mine, Lord Prince." The man replied, returning the bow.

"Please, Sir. Severus will suffice. I did not claim my title yet."

"I will respect your wish Severus, as long as you show me the courtesy of returning the favour by calling me by my name, Igor."

"I am honoured." He bowed again, hating every second of this false conversation.

Karkakoff nodded and strolled away, turning to the blonde who leaned against the wall nonchalant as ever, amused in fact.

"I wish that you could stop doing that, Lucius."

"Nonsense, Severus! Once your uncle dies, you will be Lord Prince. The family may decide one, but last living relative is blood and that is the only thing you need."

"I would prefer if you stuck to my skills instead of my future title."

"Now, now, Severus, this is nothing to be ashamed of. You are of the old bloodline, it is something to be proud of." Lucius peers at him "You do not look like you have fun."

"I am, but I will have to return to school soon."

"Don't tell me you are still pinning for that little mudblood of yours?" Lucius ignored him, he held his face impassive as much as he could.

"If you mean Lily, yes."

"She, my friend, is not good for you. Pursue her, kiss her if you must...bed her...get her out of your system. And then, we will find you a nice and decent pureblood, or half-blood if you prefer, to settle with. One of good name and standing."

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