Part 4

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Harry Potter world, which is trademarked by J. K. Rowling. This story is purely for entertainment purposes, no money is being made from it.

A/N: Another chapter is free from mistakes! Thank you my lovely Loki God of Evil (LokiMischiefMaker).


His fourth year. It had to be some sort of trap.

Crouching in the shadows, watching as Poppy led Lupin to the Whomping Willow. He observed, hidden, as the tree stopped moving its flailing limbs while they enter near the roots.

So, Black wasn't lying then?

But if Poppy was in it, Headmaster would be too.

So, it wasn't something he could use in that capacity. Even so...maybe, just maybe it was something he could still exploit, or utilise for his own gain? Sitting there, he waited until Poppy had reappeared and began her slow purposeful walk to the castle. He ran fast, keeping in the shadows and low to the ground.

Reaching the safe line, he levitated one large stone and aimed it at the designated root, landing the stone on it and adding the extra push. As he had expected, the tree froze and he ran fast into the hole near the exposed roots. Blinking, in the dark, he had to wait for his eyes to adjust before he could continue his journey and when his eyesight had cleared sufficiently. All he could see ahead was that this passageway was exceedingly narrow, and mostly made of dirt and soil.

Walking slowly, the tunnel stretched deep, much deeper than he was expecting because he was trying to orient himself as to where it would bring him out. Surprisingly, it had led to a door, a wooden one, battered and shabby, likely from the damp down here.

There was a sound akin to a whimper and pained howl, almost like whatever was making the sound was being tortured. And, he hated it because, in his young life, he'd never liked seeing animals suffer needlessly.

What is that good for nothing spineless idiot doing there? He wouldn't allow it, not even if Headmaster did?

On instinct, he pushed the door and ran full pelt into the room.

Blood freezing in his veins. He was frozen, petrified at what he could see in front of him. He now fully understood that saying of 'a deer caught in the headlights.' In fact, he had a perfect understanding because he knew that at that moment he should've run or taken his to fight for survival, but he simply couldn't. He was unable to move. Fear was biting at him. So profound, like he'd never felt before.

So he stood there, rooted to the spot; watching the yellow eyes and a slobbering snarling maw. It was a werewolf, in plain sight! He should've run...petrified! Suddenly, a huge stag appeared in the room. Its huge antlers lifted him up and pushed him out of the room, clear of imminent danger.


...When he finally regained consciousness he found himself to be in the Headmasters office. There was the smug Potter boy sitting across from him, pale. Black was standing against the window, shoulders raised and squared in anger. He could hear the Headmaster, he wasn't happy in the slightest.

"I hope that you realise how serious your offence is, Mr Black?"

"It was an innocent prank," he countered.

"One that could have cost Mr Snape his life. Not to mention, Mr Lupin's life as well?" He intoned.

"Remus has nothing to do with this." Interjected Black.

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