Part 7

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Harry Potter world, which is trademarked by J. K. Rowling. This story is purely for entertainment purposes, no money is being made from it.

A/N: Huge thanks to my beta Loki God of Evil (LokiMischiefMaker) she didn't just correct my grammar and typo errors - she enhanced this chapter making it so much better.

WARNING: This chapter contains sex scenes, so if that is not your cup of tea maybe you should skip it. ;)


Her moss green eyes bore into his. "Is it true that the girl you were after, chose another?" She asked, and the hand that was on his thigh, strayed a little higher.

"That is none of your business." He snapped.

Proper manners be damned, that topic was still an open wound. An open sore and festering wound that never seemed to heal.

"I bet--" she said, seemingly unphased by his lack of manners, her hand glided that bit higher. "--that I can make you forget about her."

Her face was mere millimetres from his. So much so that she could feel his breath on her skin.

"I sincerely doubt that," he replied, mood dampened at her audacity. His breath became irregular, hitching at her straying touch. He could feel a stirring in his undergarments. Oh jolly, this was just what he needed, an erection when he was in the apartment with a witch he'd just met.

"I bet I can," She said, grinning seductively. Her lips, brushing against his. Instantly, he was frozen at her unasked for ministrations. He wasn't sure what to do with this? Fine, well he knew what he would like to do, but that was not the question. Instead, panic grabbed at him when he realised that his robes were sporting a tent-like portion in his groin. Her hand slid higher, almost brushing the...noticeable tent.

"Madam..." his voice was cracked, sort of scratchy.

"Morgana," She corrected gently, trailing soft kisses along his jaw.

Snape was fighting to stay calm and composed. "I do not want to be rude, but--" he gulped when she started nibbling on the softest part of his earlobe. "I sincerely doubt that Lucius would appreciate..."

"Lucius was thrilled with my idea!" She laughed softly. "Don't worry, they won't return for a good couple of hours, and I took a long-lasting potion."

"What is this?" He demanded, but even to him his demand sounded feeble and weak. Only now, did he realise that her hand was resting on his groin. She was lightly squeezing his arousal, that damned betraying body part of his.

"Happy birthday Severus," She whispered, standing up to reach for him.

Taking her hand, his mind and body were raging a war. It seemed like his body was winning this battle, given that he was following her into the master bedroom. She giggled and pulled off his robes, leaving him in black boxer shorts.

Slowly, she removed her own robes and Snape noticed that she was naked underneath. Her breasts were rounded, full and heavy. Milky white globes with dark circles. She was completely hairless.

His breath hitched in his lungs at the sight of her in her natural state.

Knowing what he wanted to do and doing it were two completely different things; especially if he'd never done them before. He gulped, suddenly nervous when she pushed him on the bed. Typically he fell upon it gracelessly, almost clumsily, suddenly aware of his too skinny form without muscles. He was anything but what he would deem as attractive, or what he could even call remotely pleasing to the eye. Carefully and with practised experience, she pulled his shorts down, tossing them across the room.

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