Part 13

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Harry Potter world, which is trademarked by J. K. Rowling. This story is purely for entertainment purposes, no money is being made from it.


Darkness stirs. Alive. But how? And why? What happen? Who won? And who has him? His motionless body. His mind was assaulted so maybe Dark Lord won. No, no! His walls are down, he has no protection and no strength to raise them. His walls are down, all of them. So not hell, just his mind. Oh, Merlin! Not his mind. Hell is preferable to that! Darkness stirs again...No! No! No! Not another memory!

The room is full of people. Four months after he received his mark, and his reputation is now built. Whenever he walks, they make a room for him. Monster! Dark Lord's monster. Whispers follow him as he walks, shoulder to shoulder with Lucius. Lucius has a spring in his step. What did his friend, his brother, planning, what game he plays now? Bellatrix is courting Dark Lord, Rodolphus does not look happy. Dark Lord notice them, he looks...relieved

"Ah, Lucius, Severus! Walk with me. I have some good news for you, Severus."

Lily! His stomach flips for a second, maybe they managed to kill Potter! Hope rises like a tide before he stops on it. He is not that lucky. His face is impassive as the emptiness settles in his stomach and his chest.

"My Lord" they intone unanimously and follow him

"Severus you are so versatile talented, this decision didn't come easily to me." Starts Dark Lord and he begins to worry "You are bored in raids, and I can't blame you. After much deliberation, I decided that the best way is to follow your natural talents."

"My Lord?" he is confused which is unfamiliar feeling to him

"I arranged a Mastery Apprenticeship for you. You will travel tomorrow, and learn under one of the best Potion Masters in the world."

"My Lord!" he is...not happy, he does not feel happiness anymore, honoured, confused, worried "Does my Lord wish to send me away? Did I not served you well?"

"You did Severus, more than well. So well that I desire to reward you. This is my gift to you."

"Thank you, my Lord, I will do my best not to disappoint."

He glances at Lucius who is grinning. His face is calm, but he knows Lucius well enough to read him. He knew, hence the spring in his step. Lucius offered him the opportunity, but he refused. Mastery is costly and he does not have that money.

He could cry. For all the bad that joining Death Eaters brought in his life, he would never have his Mastery if he didn't join them. And that hurts. Darkness caresses him, a gentle flutter against his face. Is he really crying? A female voice, tender, soft, whispering but he still can't recognize the words. Not Lily! He knows now. So who? Medi-witch? Bellatrix – no, not her, she does not possess a tender bone in her body. Narcissa maybe? Darkness shifts again.

He is 21, almost 22 now. He stands on the doorstep of his home. When he opens a door big black bird swoops over his head and into the house, he follows. He should be still on the road but one letter from Lucius brought him back home early. Pregnant... not bothering to shrug his travel cloak he takes a parchment and scribbles two notes. Glancing at huge raven looking at him dispassionately, this bird is a first living thing that evokes any type of emotion in him, for a long time.

"Can you find a Dark Lord, Hades?" bird looks at him with reproach and looks almost insulted "Fine. Give him this. Then, find Lucius and give him this." He transfigures note into a feather and tucks it in birds wing.

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