Part 11

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Harry Potter world, which is trademarked by J. K. Rowling. This story is purely for entertainment purposes, no money is being made from it.

A/N: Another chapter edited by lovely Loki God of Evil. Thank you :* (LokiGodofChaos)


He'd just killed a man, but he didn't feel a thing inside, maybe just emptiness. Not one single emotion, whether that was good or bad he wasn't sure.

He could tell it had perhaps shocked Lucius because he was being led in near silence to where he assumed was a bedroom with an ensuite attached.

Severus knew from personal experience that the nearest was a floor up. Enough time for Lucius to attempt to talk, or console.

And as luck would have it, he caught a glimpse of his reflection and he stared, dumbfounded. So much blood coated him, but still nothing. The emotion was gone, the words and feelings wouldn't come.

"Gods Severus," Whispered a pale Lucius. He turned his light blue eyes to observe his friend. Apparently and quite noticeably to Severus, Lucius was shaken up under that usually fierce façade. "You know I have nothing against good torture," He shuddered again, struggling to rid it from memory without a penseive to hand. "But that was, Gods."

Awkward silence. Lucius had paled. More so than his usually colourless visage, Severus thought.

"They deserved it," he muttered in response.

"They?" Lucius questioned, picking up on the plural, as expected.

"My father, Albus, Pettigrew, Lupin--" His voice seemed hollow. "--Black, and Potter. All of them, they deserved it."

Lucius flinched, nodding in agreement. Severus knew it was all he could do because he figured for Lucius to say otherwise might exacerbate his mindset.

"I-I was wanting to ask you," Lucius started, nervously. "You are free to refuse, of course."

"Name it?" Severus muttered. His eyes still hollow and nearly lifeless.

"Would you become my brother?" He asked, an almost timid tone to his request.

"I will, in a matter of hours," Snape replied, coolly. "It was promised."

"No, not like that." Lucius smiled nervously. He quickly procured a silver dagger with an exquisitely ornamental handle from the folds of his robes. "My brother in blood?"

Suddenly quirking a brow, Severus looked at Lucius with a stare of curiosity. He had never been asked to do this before. It was certainly unusual, and quite possibly strange to have even been asked. "Why would you even consider to pollute your blood with mine?" he was at loss, confused but then honoured. Not entirely sure how he should answer the question.

"Nonsense! You are one of most powerful wizards of your age I know, and your power will only grow from here on out." Lucius reasoned. "Merlin's beard, Severus," He intoned. "You just held a man in the air wandlessly while you used your wand on him! If our power is in the blood, I would be the one at gain. Or perhaps, order your blood in litres, like a vampire."

They chuckled. "As it is not, I really want you on my side. And I pray to Salazar that I never to get on your wrong side nor be your foe in our later lives."

"You couldn't Lucius, even if you try." He nodded, a faint appearance of a smile graced his lips but as soon as it had come it had gone from his face.

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